Young Love on Jakku

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I wanted to say thank you so much for 100 reads I'm so great full 🥺. I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. There's going to start to be a lot more Reylo . Like the last chapter I have a song I wrote this chapter too I feel like the song really stands for this chapter. So if you want the full effect of this love listen to "Somebody to you" by the vamps and Demi lovato I hope you enjoy:).

Reys POV
I was walking back from the falcon after Ben and I kissed. Did we really just kiss?! Did I just have my first kiss?! Omg I did and it was even more magically enjoyable I could ever imagine. Wow just think Rey yesterday you were sad alone thinking you would never know what love is or knowing anyone now you have everything you ever wanted. You have Ben.... He showed you friendship, love and a family everything you never knew everything you longed for he had given to you. I finally made it back "home" since I had supper at Bens I didn't need to make that awful muffin thing. I grabbed my white chalk and scratched a mark on the wall.
"Day 4,017" I said sighing as I grabbed my little doll and tried to fall asleep. I know it's silly I'm 16 years and still sleep with a doll but this one was special to me I found it in the sands when I was younger. It was the one thing I found that I didn't sell to Unkar Plutt. It was just when I found it I felt something a feeling I can't explain but I just knew it was meant to be mine.  I rested my eyes and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Ben. You know he invited me over I might as well repay the favor. Tomorrow I will invite Ben over to my house even though it's not even close to as mesmerizing as the Millennial Falcon it's home. The next morning I got up put my doll back on my shelf grabbed my staff and sachet hoped on my speeder and began scavenging. Once I filled my satchel up with everything it could possibly carry I hopped back on my speeder and headed into town.

Bens POV
Rey is so amazing I never wanted to let it go let her go.
"Come on son come into town with me I have to pick up some compressors"
"Ok dad I'm coming" I said as we walked into town and I saw Rey.
"Go ahead son we all heard your guys little confession last night, just be back before supper" My dad said as I blushed.
"ok... ok dad thanks" I said as my dad walked away and I took the opportunity to walk over to Rey just then I was interrupted.
"You brought me this junk you scavenger girl I don't what this no portions for you!" "But yesterday you said this was worth 10 portions!" Rey said with a sense of annoyance in her voice.
"Well I changed my mind you scum" He said.
Then he pushed Rey and she fell to the ground.
"Ok that's it you listen here buddy don't mess with her or you'll have to go through me!" I said.
"Ppshh why would I be afraid of you boy"
"Because I'm a Jedi and a Skywalker" I said.
"Yea well ok I don't care get him" he said as I ignited my lightsaber
"We could do this the easy way or the hard way you choose" I said trying to intimidate him.
He still wasn't threatened so I did a Jedi mind trick on him instead.
"You will give Rey 30 portions" I said.
"Ben what are.." Rey started saying before I stopped her
"I will give Rey 30 portions" he repeated.
"And you will leave Rey alone and never bother her again"
"And I will leave Rey alone and never bother her again" i said as I grabbed the 30 portions from Unkar.
"Thank you" I said.
"come on Rey let's go" I said as I took her hand.

Reys POV
As Ben took my hand I was still trying to piece together everything he just said everything he just did? First he said he was a Jedi!? But not just a Jedi a Skywalker I thought his last name was solo!? Wait Bens mother Leia, as in princesses Leia daughter to Lord Vader!? Ive of course heard the stories but always thought they were a myth. And the Jedi mind trick thing I hope he doesn't use it on me. I laugh to myself. "Hey Ben?"
"Yes Rey?"
"So your a Jedi"?
"And a Skywalker..?"

Bens POV
Oh god Ben you blew it does she not like if your a Jedi? A Skywalker is she going to leave me! Ok Ben calm down your overreacting.
"That's.." she started saying.
Oh god here it calms stay calm stop sweating.
"That's.." she again started saying.
Oh come on women just spit it out.
"That's awesome" She said smiling.
"not only is my boyfriend amazing and so sweet but a Jedi!" She said pausing right after.
"Umm I'm sorry Ben that came out wrong"
"It's ok I'll take boyfriend" I said smiling at her as I pulled her into my embrace.
"You ok it got pretty intense back there" I said.
"Yes thanks to you although I could have handled myself" she said.
"Oh really then I guess you don't need me." I said jokingly.
"No no Ben of course I do" she said smiling.
"But I hope you don't use any Jedi mind tricks on me" she said giving me a slight smirk. "Don't worry Jedi mind tricks only work on the weak and foolish "I said smirking back. "But if you ever wanted me to do a little Jedi mind trick on yo.." I started saying as she punched my shoulder.
"Ben!" She said laughing.

Reys POV
Shoot I've been so enamored by Ben I completely forgot I was going to ask him to come over.
"Hey Ben ?"
"Yes Rey?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place only to return your favor" "That's sound great" He said smiling.
I took Bens hand and we headed to my speeder.
"Oh well I guess I didn't realize their only one seat on my speeder".
I could sit on Bens lap but is that a little to far I mean I want to do but I'll see what his idea is.
"Well you could sit in my lap.. I mean in front of me.." I said as he just didn't say anything.

Bens POV
Well that went terrible truth is I wouldn't mind if she sat in my lap. And other truth is I didn't know how to use a speeder at lease of that model, but I was too embarrassed to tell Rey . Just tell her Ben come on she won't judge you right? No this is Rey we're talking about. I mean you did just meet her yesterday but you trust her..
"Rey truth is I don't how to ride a speeder at lease this type of speeder I stutter".
"It's ok Ben I think your idea is great you can hold on to me while I pilot the speeder" and then she a little smile as she blushed. I hopped on Reys speeder and she sat in front of on my lap. I then hesitantly put hands around her waist and I think she noticed.
"Ben it's ok if you hold onto me I don't want you fall". I said as we smiled at each other.
Reys POV
As Ben wrapped his hands around me wow I mean his hands were huge practically the size of my waist. I could tell he was hesitant but I eased him. As soon as we were all set I sped off towards my home. Ben held close to me, and the first time I went home feeling happy not feeling sad or alone. I had Ben and he had me.....

A Reylo AU:Come back to me BenWhere stories live. Discover now