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After more than day in the sky between Transiting and Flying , I am standing at Incheon airport in Seoul and I still can't believe my eyes, my heart is pounding so hard that it can brust from its place anytime, i am happy, excited {OH MY GOD} no words can describe what i am feeling right now.

I spinned around, Is this what we Call the happiest moment of your life? yeah i have been dreaming of coming to korea for 10 years now. But Due to our lack of financement and my study I had to be glued to my country until now.

{What should i do? and where should i go ? are not really important matters to me now but i have to move on from the airport after all}

Fortunatly i studied korean the past few years so let's say that i am pretty good at it, I got out of the airport and grabbed a taxi " ahjussi,Kimchi guest house in Hongdae please".

I looked through the window while he was driving, I was amazed by the views, the highbuilding and everything, i was fascinated me even the air i am breathing now.{ yes i am in seoul and yes i am realising my dream}

by the way, I think i forget to introduce myself, Luna, 22 years old and just graduated from college and my dream was to come to South korea for 10 years now { i think i aleardy said this one} and here i am standing in this land. but coming here wasn't as easy as you might think, a lot of things happened in my life and I had to give up something precious for this dream, I will tell you everything later because for now i want to enjoy this journey without thinking about anything.

I aleardy reserved a single room in a guesthouse so i just took the key from the reception and headed to my room.

I have long wavy dark blond hair more like clear brown and also one more difference i have two different color in my eyes one brown and one green, but i am used to put a brown lense on it because i hate it when people stare a lot and call me strange ,my lashes are long and that have always enchanted my friends. I don't really use make up but i was always try to wear a smile in my face, i think it's the prettiest think a woman can wear.

I opened my room's door and it was so spacious for such a small price, i just put my lugages and went out heading to my dream, when the lady called me " Annyeong little girl, before going will you come with me, i want to give you the plan for the week and talk to you about our rules" i nodded and went after her, after 30 minuts of talk and laughter, i got out bowing to her, i was really happy because she was so nice to me { even if she was not i will still be happy, nothing can break this mood } and then i remembered i have to call my parents, i take a look a the time and it was 10 in the morning, my parents will surely be at sleep by know it was 2 am there , i declined the idea of calling and just left her a message.

(My outfit of the day after changing in the guest house)

It's time to discover this magnificient country , here i am walking and looking around in hongdae, make up store, clothes store, kpop stores and most importantly food something i was really impatient to taste .. I wanted to try kimchi and tuppoki .. and soon i found myself in a cozy restaurant.

It was so tasty next it's time to buy BTS album and gadget {typical of an ARMY right? especially when you live in country when shipping fees are higher than the price of the items } , it was something in "my list to do".

I bought a lot and a lot of things and here i am going back to my room. While entering i bowed to the lady and gone to my room.

A fast shower was needed and next my bed who's been calling for me since morning but of course sometimes you should ignore it. I was really tired after thoses hours of traveling ,shopping and looking around, i can't feel my feet anymore . Without thinking a lot Morphey took me in and i am no longer part of this world.

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