A wrong meeting turned to a blessing

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The sun set a few hours ago, i was walking in gangnam thinking about this amazing experience and then i remembered that I lost my friend , and I didn't even get to have her number, I started feeling hungry and the fact that I should give the boy of yesterday his sweater come to my mind , I took a cab, and after 10 minutes I found myself in front of my room looking for his number in my phone, to call him but no answer I thought maybe he was busy and sincerely i was very hungry, I put the shirt in my bag and went out, after sending him a text asking him to call me any time he see suitable.

I found a restaurant not very far from the hostel where I was staying, i walked in and ordred some burger and a huge plate of french fries ( my weakness) and after satisfying my stomach i went searching for some games to play, I was alone but i didn't feel lonely, I was really happy.

I was really happy and astonished with view and then i took my phone finding a message from joon," Sorry I can't answer the phone now, is it urgent?" the boy from yesterday, texting me why i called him. Wait I did send him a text but being the smart me I forgot to tell him who I was. Well done Luna!

" hey, chingu(friend), I just wanted to return your sweater"

"ah Luna ?" he stated, I've never told him my name did I? I pushed the thought out of my mind and continued.

"yeah if you're free can we meet , so i can return it back "

"Of course, where are you? i will be free in an hour we can meet then"

i was about to wriht the adress when suddenly i recieved a text, from someone I prefered not to hear his name ever again neither in this life nor in my next, guess who ? My ex-boyfriend,

ah i forget I didn't explain my story so here it is, before coming to south korea, i was put in a difficult situation in whish i should choose between the love of my life and the dream that kept my heart beating , i was in a relationship for almost 4 years and after i graduate from university my dad offered me the chance to go to south korea as a gift and unfortuantly my boyfriend didn't like that idea, so i had to choose, at first i refused to choose i thought i can convience him, and i tried everything possible to make him understand , it was only a vacation for one month after all but nothing could ever change his mind, and finally i choose to go after my dream, Traveling is what keeps me alive and I can't say no to my dream destination.

Because i knew myself and if i stayed i would have blamed him for the rest of my life which will make me hate him but he was the guy I've been with for a long time and i used to have faith that he will change one day and i wanted to at least keep our memories together intact but believe me it hurts alot and a lots even though i try my best to cover it, sometimes i wish i can call him to tell him about my journey, that's my story for some a breakup may seem like nothing but for me it drove me crazy, i don't know if i will regret my choice later on but for now let's live in the moment, until now I do not regret choosing myself over us.

and here i am looking at his name pooping in my phone, i was really scared to open the message but something in me expected it to be a good news, i thought he calmed down, but you know what they say the greater you expect, the harder you fell and that's exactly what happened i got a message that can not only hurt me more but just made me broke in a million pieces for minutes i couldn't move nor answer any word i just looked and looked at it like that,How can a person write all the hurtful words in just one message, how can a person insult the person who loved him for 4 years like that oh my god }, and fortuantly a street restaurant was just in front," ahjumma, can i have a bottle of soju please" that's everything I wanted right now, Drinking to forget and even to lose my memory if it was possible why does such a message turn my most beautiful day to one of the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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