(This needs to be said)

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(As someone who is part of the black community it hurts me to know that other people of my skin tone are getting killed for no apparent reason. Some of my friends told me that they fear going outside and just living there normal lives because they don't want to get killed because of the colour of their skin. I've been through racism for a good part of my life and it's not ok. Understand that black lives matter. On behalf of the black community we do not want to be superior. We want to be equal and not have to worry about walking down the street to then get killed because we look 'suspicious' just because of our skin tone.
For those who cherry pick from black culture wether is music, fashion ect. But stay quiet when there is a issue at hand about black culture wether if it's someone getting killed for exercising and just take black culture when it's necessary for them. Don't. If your gonna show off black culture as a trend then at least help us stand up.
People take things important to black culture, for example braids. Braids were used to map out a way of escape and to get a better life away from slavery. And what you now see as like box braids, those were used to store food/seeds for when would run to safely to start a new life. But now these are used as trends and if a black person uses any of their own styles there seen and 'untidy' or 'unkept'. This isn't fair and it's been going on for way too long.

For all lives to matter, black lives need to matter. This is the issue at hand.

Also we must keep members of the LGBTQ+ community safe. I may not be part of it but I have so much respect for them. There humans too and I'm sure just like the black community they do not want to be superior, they just want to be equal. And live a normal life without getting judged, shamed or even killed for there sexuality.

Remember there is only one race, and that's the human race)

Remember there is only one race, and that's the human race)

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