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Location~ NDO (Nation Defence Organisation)
??? POV
As I walk in I hear people talking about me. I didnt listen to them. I went and sat in my cabin when I hear someone knock on the door "come in"
"Agent 003 you have been requested to meet Agent 001 now"

I got up and went to his cabin "Agent 001 you called me"

"I have a new mission for u. Lee Y/N has been arrested and put in Asylum ,she had gone complete nut and killed her parents the reason is still unknown I want you to go and investigate her tomorrow." I bowed and left the room.

I went to my office and started to go through Lee Y/N information. I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see Agent 007 "Hey" he Went to the couch getting Comfortable "So new mission, anyway come on lets go and eat its pretty late."

"oh come on Agent 003 lets go"

After a lot of trying and handling his aegyo I agreed. When went to the nearby food shop. While on the way, I was still thinking about Y/N "how could she just kill her parents? Why would she do it to the them? She had gone nuts and started to kill people everyday" so many question.

"Agent 003 you ok?"

I was brought back to reality by Agent 007 "Taehyung your not suppose to call me that when we are in public." he realised that he called you Agent in public, he face palmed himself sighing "Im sorry Agen- Jimin."

We ate our food, talked about random things, said our goodbyes. As I sat in my porsche and started to drive to go home while on my way I thought about my new mission, Y/N had a background of a normal teenage and hadn't done any crime she/he was just an innocent girl/boy. While thinking about all of it I reached home and went in.

Being on mission and working for so long I didn't realise how much I miss my home.

As jimin reached home he went straight to his bed take a nice warm bath changed his clothes and went to bed.
(Jimin is 8 year old) I was in the washroom taking a nice bath. I came out and wore my clothes I saw the time it was 10 in the night and dad was coming home today. It was raining very heavily I was scared when I was about to go down, suddenly all the lights of the house went off I thought it was a power cut but as I turned the door knob I heard mom screaming "Jimin Run!" I was shocked then I heard gun shot everything went silent

"Jimin I'm coming for you, You can run but you cant hide."

I wanted to scream cry but I couldnt I looked here and there and saw the window of my room, it was on the second floor so I jumped and ran into the forest crying.

My legs were giving up but I had to run I fell down and tried to get up but I had injured my leg and then suddenly I was pinned down to the ground "Caught you"


I woke up sweaty gasping for air without realising a tear had escaped my eyes all of it was horrible. I looked around trying to process what was happening. The dream still haunted me it felt so real but it isnt. It was morning already

I checked my phone and saw a messages from Agent 011 I unlocked my phone and saw that I was replaced for the investigation by Yeonseok. Then I saw that my meeting is at evening.

Thats odd I called Agent 001 to ask if I was replaced by anyone

"Han Su Geun have I been replaced by anyone?"

"No, who said Jimin you are the only one who knows about the mission."

I jolted up told Agent 001 that Yeonseok told I m replaced I quickly took a bath changed and took my gun and drove to the asylum and went straight to the investigation room

There I saw Lee Y/N standing there with one hand in the pocket and in other hand a gun looking at me with a smile

I saw Yeonseok lifeless body on the ground in a pool of blood bullet right in her forehead I looked back at Y/N her smile had turned into a smirk and a small laugh asked her mouth.

"Well well well look who showed up."

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