America The Great, Killer of Black

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America the great,
Killer of black dreams.
Don't kneel here,
don't run there,
don't beg for your life,
we will not hear,
any black voices,
or any black cries,
all we have for you are ties,
of a new bondage,
fettered with chains of,
White,Privilege, White,
Audacity, White,
Karens, and Chads, and Beckys.
Oh wait don't call them that!
No, their feelings get hurt.
But don't worry,
'cause they don't mind calling you,
A thug,
A nigger,
 A threat,
That's ok!

Don't you dare protest in peace either,
don't take the knee,
that scares them!
Don't speak out,
silence is better for them!
Don't record their behaviour!
They don't like to be seen,
being racist.
Don't ask,
don't tell,
Fuck don't even sit at home,
even that ain't safe.
Not in America!
Not if you're Black,
not if you're Brown,
not if you're Asian,
not if you're Arab,
not if  you're illegal,
not if you're a migrant,
not if you're legally not white,
America ain't your home.
Guns have more rights than people there,
and I swear,
the right of freedom,
of speech,
of living,
ain't for you if your any hue or,
ain't for you if you're not the right shade of pale,
Not in America,
the great killer of black.

Ian Michado Royer (C) 2020
Art by James Hackett (C) 2020

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