Chapter 1

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Olivia Grant sat alone on the old but comfortable couch beside the small fireplace, waiting for the news from her husband.

Frank Grant, her husband, had left home for three months and she never got a letter from him. She didn't know where he was and she was so worried about him. After Frank was gone, Olivia went to her sister's house to live with her. During this period of time, while she was waiting for her husband to come back home, she didn't want to be alone.

Olivia was married to Frank a year ago. They lived in a small house in Boston, a beautiful town in America. Seven months later, after they got married, World War II was started. Frank was a scientist and one day, he got a letter from the government. In the letter, it said that the government needed him to join the secret project in developing the weapons for using in the war. When Olivia knew about this, she didn't want him to go. But Frank said this is the only chance they could get some more money.

"Frank, I don't think we need more money. Even if we are poor, but it's okay. At least we still have each other." Olivia said. The tears started to gather in her eyes.

"Darling, I just need our lives to be better. I love you and I don't want to see you getting worried every time we need to buy something." Frank held her in his arms and kissed her softly.

"Oh, Frank. Promise me that you will come back alive. Promise me that you will not hurt anyone."

"Olivia, this is war. I can't promise you about hurting anyone...but I promise that I will be alive and come back to you."

The next evening, Frank was gone and Olivia felt like her heart was broken into million pieces. After her husband was gone, Olivia read the newspaper and listened to the radio every day. She hoped she could get his news in some ways but she had to disappoint over and over again.

Amanda Harris, Olivia's sister, entered the small living room. When she saw her sister sitting on the couch, reading the newspapers seriously, she asked:

"Olivia, are you waiting for his news...again?"

"Yes, but there was nothing. I am worried, Amanda. I don't want to lose him forever. It would be better if he just sent me a letter and tell me that he is okay."

Amanda came to sit beside Olivia and put her arms around her sister. "He works in that secret project, so I think he can't reveal himself about where he is and what is he doing. I know you are worried about him, Olivia. But what we can do now is pray for him."

Olivia put her head on her sister's shoulder. "You are right. But I can't stop worrying about him. It's fall and the weather is getting colder. I don't know if he has enough clothes and..."

"Olivia, I'm sure that he is okay. He is a very important person in their project. They won't let him suffered from anything."

Olivia nodded silently and the tears were rolling down her face.


A few days later, Mrs. Harris came to Amanda's house to visit her daughters. She was an old woman with silver hair and a kind face. When she met her daughters, she embraced them tightly.

"Look at my girls. How are you, darling?"

"We are doing well, mom." Amanda said.

"I heard the news about World War every day and that made me feel anxious. How can we bring peace to our world?" Mrs. Harris sighed, then she sat on the couch and sipping the hot tea. "This tea is so good. Now it's hard to find the tea like this in the market." After a while, she added "Olivia, did you hear from your husband recently?"

"No, mom. It's like he just disappeared."

Mrs. Harris held Olivia's hands. Then she said softly. "You must be worrying about him. You look thinner than the last time we met. Boys are always like this. They think their duty for the country has to come first. Your father used to be like this too. Waiting is the only thing you can do, darling."

"I know mom. Thank you for visiting us today. I miss you so much."

"Would you stay with us for a few days?" Amanda asked.

"Oh, no dear. I have got something to do and I will leave this afternoon." Mrs. Harris said. "Stay safe, my girls. I hope the war could end soon."

That afternoon, Mrs. Harris said goodbye to her daughters and went back to her home in Canton. The two sisters were alone again.

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