Chapter 2

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"Uhm... Hi..." you stammered. You smiled a bit and combed your fingers through the top of your hair, almost completely forgetting to apologize. "Sorry..."

"Yeah, no, it's totally fine, uhm..." He responded. He smiled and looked at you. You were mesmerized by his strong nose, his glistening eyes, and his strong jawline. You noticed that as you continued to look at him, he and things around you started to change. They developed a brightness that you couldn't describe. But instead of the normal three colors that surrounded you, suddenly there were millions of different tones and shades. You turned around yourself, gazing upwards at the sweet-looking sky and the deep darkness of the soil, the extravagance of the flowers and the sereneness of their stems as the petals slowly waved in the wind. You noticed after a short time that a hand was attached to those stems, a hand with no particular tone. It was just... There. No tone, no shade, no nothing. It was traced and lined with the colors of passion, love, regret, hate, joy, sorrow, peace. Just as the flowers were sprinkled with a light tone of innocence, the soil was tinted with a deep shade of prosperity and growth. You felt your soul swell up as it imploded, bursting with bright colors like love and excitement, deep colors like fear and unsureness, and pastel colors like hope and laughter. You felt the colors swim through your lungs and heart and you lived and breathed these feelings, as they penetrated your eyes you felt as if you had been stabbed by indescribable joy.

You had most certainly felt something strange. Your surroundings were no longer blanketed by the age-old curtain of sameness, but they were polished and shined and shown off to let the newness drip from them. You turned to the man, and saw the colors in his eyes. Whites, greys, and blacks were no longer blockading his eyes from truly seeing. As he looked back at you, it was easy to see that he had experienced the same thing.

You stared into each other's eyes as the people around you disappeared. You heard a soft gust of wind through the back of your head as annoyed customers worked their ways around you, muttering under their breaths as they carried on in their mundane ways.

"What's your name?" you asked this man. You had just undergone a massive change together, so he couldn't have been the ordinary passerby.

"I... I don't know." He said. "All I know is I'm seeing the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen before, and they belong to a girl that wants to know my name. For this, I am happy, and this is all I know."

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