Chapter 3

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You were a bit baffled. No, maybe more than a bit. As far as you knew, a seemingly random stranger by the store just happened to completely change the way you saw things and confessed his undying love for you. What did it mean? Was it some sort of side effect from a medicine you had both taken at the same time? You had taken a painkiller earlier that morning for a headache, maybe he had one too.

Oh no, that didn't make any sense. You had never experienced that before. It was like things... were more. They gained a quality you didn't know what possible. You had heard about this thing called "color" before, but only in your grandmother's stories. She told the timeless tale to you all the time when you were younger, about a girl and boy meeting one day and they both suddenly saw colors and they fell in love. Could it be that the story was coming true?

You decided to go on a run and clear your mind a bit. Besides, you had to start looking for a job since you just graduated college, so a run might be a nice way to start the process of firing up your résumé. You laced on your tennis shoes, now soaked in the bright color of love, and ran towards the beach.

As you ran, you passed by a lot of people and none of them seemed to notice anything different. You knew it was only between you and this guy, whatever his name actually was, otherwise people would be acting differently. You decided that you wanted to get to know this guy more and figure out how to deal with this weird incident.

A few days flew by and suddenly you found yourself getting ready for a date. You were going out to dinner with color dude (you decided on the word color to describe the weird things you were seeing). You put on a nice blouse and skinny jeans, some nice boots, a bit of makeup, and out the door you ran to catch a taxi. Anxiously siting in the taxi, you stared outside and did some people-watching.

You saw a woman about 10 years your senior, walking around outside, then approached by a police man. They soon started doing what you and color guy did, look around and look at each other and soak it all in.

"Excuse me, sir..." you asked your taxi driver, "what is color?"

He slammed on the brakes immediately. He turned around and looked at you with urgency. "How do you know what that is?"

"I... I don't know... Well I mean, I do know, uhm... I see it. I started seeing it earlier today."

The driver immediately turned back around and started making an elaborate set of twists and turns. He drove over sidewalks, barely avoiding metal garbage cans and big sculptures.

"Sir, just what do you-" you started. Before you could finish, you looked out the window to look for the source of the howling wind you heard. You realized that it had stopped, and you were completely still. You got out of the car and questioned your driver.

"Sir, where are we? I said I wanted to go to Rose's on Madison, not-" You couldn't finish. Your driver had stripped himself of his baggy jeans, plaid shirt, and khaki suit jacket for a more refined black dress shirt and pants to match. He secured a belt of weapons around his hips, dusted his legs off, and shook your hand.

"Y/N, I'm Darius. You've been recruited to team CSD."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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