The confession

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Deku/Tom Momo/Jenny shoto/Chris
Ok there's the next universe says flame
What is it about asks nezu
Well izuku and Momo are in a relationship and trying to tell shoto who is Momo brother says flame [izuku and Momo are in a small room together.]

Momo "Are you ready for this?"

Deku"Not really."

Jenny "It'll be fine."

[Momo briefly kisses Deku on the cheek.]

[deku and Momo come out of the room in front of shoto sitting in a sofa.]

Momo"shoto, we have something to tell you."

[deku pukes.]
Everyone turns green
[Cut to the two in the previous room.]

Deku I think that went well."

Jenny "You threw up and we both left."

Deku"It's all in the past."

Jenny "It was literally thirty seconds ago."

Deku"That's a matter of opinion."

Jenny "No, it isn't. Let's try again."

[deku and Jenny confront Chris again.]

Jenny "Chris, we have something to tell you."

[deku chloroforms himself and falls on the floor.]
Wow he's an idiot everyone thought
[Cut to the previous room.]

Deku"I chloroformed myself, didn't I?"

Jenny "Yeah, you did."

[deku tries to chloroform himself again.]

Jenny "Don't do it again! Look, you take the lead this time."

[They confront Chris again.]

[deku rambles nonsensically.]

[Time skip; cut to same room.]

Deku"The thing is, Jenny and I -- I'll just kill him."
What the fu-they say
Jenny "Whoa, whoa!"

Deku"Let me shoot him in the face!"

Jenny "No, no!"

[Time skip; cut to same room.]

Deku"Mum, Dad, I'm gay!"
Everyone hit themselves
Jenny "Wrong! ... I hope."

[Time skip. Close-up shot of deku and Jenny.]

Deku"If I shoot him, we can make out! This could be so easy!"

[Time skip. Deku's height is reduced to chest height.]

Deku"When two people spend a lot of time together..."

Jenny "Where are your legs?!"
Don't need them says deku the is slapped in the head by tsuyu
[Time skip.]

Deku"Ich habe Sex mit deine Schwester."

Jenny "Nein!"

[Time skip.]

Tom "Chris--"

[Future Tom appears in a flash.]

Future Tom "Tom! I'm from the future. Tell him he's ugly!"

Tom "You're chubby!"

Jenny "You can't even get that right?!"

[Time skip.]

Tom thrusts at Jenny, while side-gazing at Chris.

[Time skip. Jenny is struggling to confiscate the gun from Tom.]

Jenny "Thomas. Thomas."

Tom "Give me the ... No-"

[Jump to previous room.]

Tom "I'm really bad at this, aren't I?"

Jenny "Yeah. Chris is never gonna find out about us."

Tom "Oh, that's what we're doing!"

[Tom confronts Chris, and Jenny follows.]

Tom "Chris, I know this is hard for you to hear, but I'm dating your sister."

[Close-up of Chris.]

Chris "Yeah, that's fine."

[Tom shoots Chris.]
Haha laughs everyone
[End close-up.]

Tom (sarcastically) "Whoops!"


Jenny "I think that went well."
Momo why says a crying shoto
Mine says tsuyu hugging deku
As she looks at Momo

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