Christmas special

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It has past at least a few months since me and marshall hooked up and since gumwad and bonnibell been acting weird. I wonder why??? It was Wednesday and we were countin down till 12:00 a.m so that we could open our prescent a and have a little fun at my house with all my friends. I am going to have a party and I will invite all my beasties.

It was Wednesday and Marcie's invited me to her party . I couldn't wait because I am going to make sure we stand under the mistletoe together for as long as possible.
I was walking out of my house to go and pick my best friend up from soccer team. Finn was waiting for me and I was suppose to pick him up. Darn it!!!!! I'm late!!!!
1 hr later
I had finally made it to Finns soccer team and he was waiting for me all sweaty.(it was very sunny and if u were wondering marshall has protection so be won't get burned ) hey marshall why are u so late???
No reason just thinking about my girlfriend mar mar.
Marshall u always talk about her wats so special about that girl that u adore her for???
Well, she understands me lie, no one else has and knows how I feel most of the time when I'm emotional. She has invited me to her party and I am planning on getting us under the mistletoe.
Cool........:-| it sounds like so much fun having a party on Christmas Eve.:(
Wats wrong Finn aren't u happy???
We'll no because no one has invited me to any of their parties this year and I'm new here and we'll..........not a lot of friends ,only u and jake and gumball .
Hey how abo I invite u to my girlfriends party!!!! It will be awesome u will make so many friends know my girlfriend and have fun all night and go crazy!!!!
Wow marshall that sounds great but at wat time and will ur girl get mad for inviting an uninvited guest???
Nah it's fine I'll deal with. Don't worry about it, it will be fine just get ready and head to her house at six and the street is night st .
Thanks marshall meet u there!!!
I had left after that and was getting ready to tell Marcy that I was inviting someone to the party.
I had invited marshy gumball bonnibel and flames.
Oh a call from marshall I wonder wat he needs???
O hey mar mar ,I was wondering if u wouldn't mind u know to let me invite one of my best friends???
Sure anything for my marshmallow.
Ok then meet u there then in a few minutes.
Wat do u mean marshall the party starts in 3 hours.
I know but that'll give me enough time to let me help u around ur house to u know help out on decorating ur home.
Ok if u say so but u better be here at least no later than 2;00 if u want me to let u Come early.
Ok meet u there.
I was on my way to bonni house when I got. A text message from ,y love Marcy ........ I just wish she would love me back though........if it hadn't been for that stupid marshall of himself asking her fall in love with her. Everyone knows that he will end up breaking her heart and if he won't then I will b/c even though I'm a prince I can still be evil at times. I know I have a girlfriend but it doesn't feel the same anymore ever since Marcy walked into my life. I will settle this with Bonny when I get to her house and tell her how I feel about her and that I wanna break up and the. I will win my Marcy, hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Marcy texted me saying I was invited to one of her parties o goodie goodie . Now I will have to see my boyfriend flirt with her and me stare at it while it happens. I need to change it up a bit so that he can love me again and leave Marcy alone with her man. I just got a brilliant idea!!!! Tonite I will kiss marshall in front of her so that she knows how it feels being a boyfriend stealer is wrong.....!!!! Maybe I shouldn't do it it's to harsh after all it is Christmas . I guess me will just stock with winning my man.
Ding dong!!!
That must be bubba. Wat should I do......... I got it!!!!!
I knocked on her door and she opened after a minute. She looked weird and different. Oh we'll
Hey Bonnie can I talk to u ???
Sure but first let me give u a massage. I walked into her house and she gave me a massage. It was really relaxing . Thanks for the massage but I really need to talk to u.
Ok let's talk in my room then where no one can hear us
But there's no body here
I know that's exactly wat I mean......
She looked so weird like if she wanted something from me........ we'll she is my gf.
Sit down make ur self comfortable. I sat on her bed but when I did Bonnie kept staring at me lie, if I was her goal to something.
Bubba can I tell u something....
She was walking towards me and I hesitated.sure wats up.
Do. U love me enough for me to do this. She started kissing so passionately that it made me relax. She stopped and I said I'm not sure anymore. She just stared at me and pushed me agains the wall and she jumped on my shoulders and she made out with me I let her because then she would get suspicious and after a few minutes she stopped and she said that if we could stay at her house all nite till Christmas Eve and I said yes and so we did and we watched a lot of tv.
At Marcie's party
I was waiting for everyone to come but only marshall was there and flames and Finn marshes friend . Seems like the bubblegum ppl are not coming. They must be up to something else huh??? Yeah they are I guess said marshall . Hey bae I introduce u to my best friend Finn . Finn this is my gf Marcy . Nice to meet u Finn. Uhhhhhhhhhh...........Finn was drooling at Marcy and Marcy would just stare at him like if he had a drooling problem. Are u ok Finn u are drooling a lot. Um......yeah I'm fine, I just need to walk for a awhile be back later. Ok by Finn. Ahhhhhh....... Said flames. Are u ok asked Marcy yeah I just didn't think Marshall's friend was so cute.
Wait a minute u lie, Marshall's friend. Holly moly. You've got a crush on Finn!!! This is awesome!!!! Shut up Marcy I just have a crush geez. We'll I'm leaving cuz seems like no body else is showig up . Bye!!!! Bye!!!!!:(
Marshy guess wat!!!! Wat!!!!! Everyone left!!!!! Darn!!!! Now wat. We'll it is Christmas and we need to have a little fun if u know wat I mean........ Oh look a mistletoe and wat a coincidence we are standing under it.wat does this mean huh???? I don't know ms. Abadeer shall we find out???? U know I do!!!! We kissed so gently I almost wanted to make out with him but were only dating.he was pulling my shirt down and then I said.......hooo.... NOOOO......marshall stop we can't......
Why no??? The night is still young. I'm not ready I told him.
Then I'll show u. He carried me onto the sofa and got on top of me and we made out. I gues this did turn out to be an awesome Christmas after. . Just so everyone knows Christmas is the time of love lie, valentines day.Merry Christmas to all and happy Hanukkah to whoever celebrates it!!!!!

Finn: hello!!! Is anyone here anymore!!!!

The end

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