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As the days grew longer and nights felt shorter the idea of continuing this war seemed near impossible for everyone

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As the days grew longer and nights felt shorter the idea of continuing this war seemed near impossible for everyone. Even Fred and George seemed to be out of ideas some days. Everyone was ready for an end. No more hiding, no more death, no more heartbreak. The idea of a normal life was almost foreign to the group staying away in the Burrow. The place seemed to suck the life out of everything and anything.

Sahar Clovis was someone who was struggling to keep her sanity within the world. Almost every night she felt as though she could not keep it together any longer. Her mother was on the run, her father going with her as well and she has not heard from them since the start of the war. She knew it was to protect her mother who was muggle-born and her father would not let her leave without him. Every night she prayed to anyone who would accept her prayer that her parents were safe.

One night, she could no longer hold it in as she sat with Molly outside. Sahar and Molly had become close during the wartime as Sahar needed a place to stay. The Order decided it would be best if she stayed with the Weasley family. She was separated from her friends and family as they all had different obligations during the war.

"How are you dear?" Molly asked the girl as she stared out into the open field ahead of them. Truth is, Sahar did not want to answer. She did not want to say she's unhappy fighting the war, however, she was miserable. She was doing everything she could ever want which was standing up for what she believed in but, it came at the cost of her happiness.

The younger girl looked to Molly with tears threatening to spill her eyes. The girl just looked so tired, her hair was all over the place and was in obvious need of washing, and she had mascara smudged all around her eyes. Molly brought the girl into a much-needed hug. Sahar completely broke the second she felt Molly's arms around her body.

Sahar wrapped her arms tightly around the older woman, sharing tears together as they both needed a shoulder to cry on. Molly was missing her sons, Ron was hunting for Horcruxes while Percy had cut ties with them and she has not heard from him much since. Molly just wanted her babies back at home with her.

Sahar, however, has never heard the name of Percy Weasley even muttered around the home for as long as she has been with the family. Sahar was under the impression that there were only six Weasley children. Molly, these days could not even bring herself to think about her son. She just hoped that one day she would get Percy back, the Percy she knew and loved.

"When will this all be over?" Sahar asked as she and Molly continued to share their hug. After a few more moments the two pulled away and wiped their eyes. Molly laughed as she saw mascara running even further down the girl's face. The two girls laughed together, this was the first time Molly had laughed in months and everyone could agree, it was nice to hear Molly laugh again.

"Hopefully soon darling." Molly grabbed her shoulders and smiled softly as a few more tears fell down her cheeks. Molly once again wiped her tears, not wanting to see the young girl fight any longer. As Molly looked to the young girl sitting in front of her she was reminded of Marlene Mckinnon. The two girls both just wanted to protect the lives of their loved ones at such a young age. At the beginning of the war, Sahar had so much hope within her eyes. Now, that girl who was a beacon of hope had lost it all. She was a shell of her former self but still, she kept fighting.

"I want us to all be happy again." As Sahar said this, the two could feel the presence of Arthur from behind them. As he stood there, the young girl could not help but give a small smile. While the war had been destroying her, she knew that she gained more than she could ever imagine. She and her friends will have become stronger after all of their experiences and realize that they needed each other in their lives more than anything. She had also gained a new family that expanded much further than the Weasleys. All that Sahar had ever wanted was being presented to her in one of the most horrific times imaginable.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Arthur gave a laugh as Molly invited Arthur to sit with the girls. As the sun was almost down, peace felt as though it was settling upon the house. The two had their time to cry but now, it was time to be strong again. Arthur sat next to Sahar so she was in the middle of the two adults. Over her time spent at the Weasley's, she felt as though she had been taken under their wing. Which, she had no complaints though.

"Not at all, Mr. Weasley." Arthur put his arm around the girl's shoulder, shaking his head slightly. Sahar knew what was coming next as it has happened every day since she had been spending time at the house.

"Sar, you can just call me Arthur. You're our family now."

Sahar smiled. Little did she know the Weasley's truly was going to be the only family she had left. Even if it was just because she was staying under their roof in the war.

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