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It was a cloudy day as the Order reconvened at the Burrow a month after the war

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It was a cloudy day as the Order reconvened at the Burrow a month after the war. Today was in celebration of the ones they lost during the war. Nothing had been the same for Sahar after the deaths of her parents and Fred. She knew that today was not going to be easy having to face everyone once again.

She had been living in her parent's empty house, not able to leave because it reminded her of them. Her best friends, Calypso, Fletcher, and Atlas had been checking in on her every day. She has not been alone once since the announcement of her parent's death. She did not mind though. Fletcher had been the one constantly asking her to move in with him so she would not be alone. Sahar denied each time not wanting to leave because of the memories she held at the home. She wanted to keep her memories in the house alive for as long as she could.

Today, however, she knew that staying home was no longer a choice. She knew that her mother, father, and Fred would have wanted her to move on and live life. So, that is what she was trying to do. She had been spending the past month trying to move on and it was working slightly. Every day she felt better and better and she thanked her friends and Molly for that.

Fletcher stood at her front door asking if she was finally ready to leave the house. Sahar nodded as she quickly threw on her father's old quidditch jumper before preparing to leave the house. The boy smiled at her as she stepped out of the door. It was nice to see her wearing her parent's clothes without tears rolling down her face.

Fletcher offered her his arm as they were going to perform side along apparition. Sahar, hated whenever she had to apparate. In sixth year, when they were taking their apparition classes, Sahar managed to leave just her shirt but the rest of her body made it into the ring. This was enough for her to never want to apparate again.

"Are you ready Sar?" Fletcher asked her with a tilt of his head. The girl nodded and took his arm ready to get the day over with. It's not that she did not want to see anyone she was not prepared for everyone to be sad.

Sahar held her breath as Fletcher began to apparate them to the Burrow. When they finally arrived she was ready to throw up. Partially from the nerves and partially from apparating. She leaned onto her friend for support as they walked up to the house. The last time she was here was Bill and Fleur's wedding. The night had been fun until Death Eaters came and ruined the night.

"Is that you!" Sahar heard being yelled from the doorway. She was immediately greeted by the comforting smile of Mrs. Weasley. She smiled and let go of Fletcher's arm in order to receive a hug from the woman. The boy smiled as he saw his friend happy on a day like today. "It looks like it might rain but let us hope that it stays dry!" Molly told the two once Fletcher drew closer to the door. The boy laughed and agreed as the older woman tried to take his jacket practically off of his back.

The two entered the kitchen to see that many people had gotten there before they did. Bill, Charlie, Arthur, and George were in the kitchen which brought a small smile to Sahar's face. She noticed that even George was standing in the room which surprised her. She noticed he wore a knitted sweater with a big "F" on the front. His attire broke her heart to see as she could never have pictured the two without each other.

In another part of the room, she saw Ginny, Luna, and Neville talking quietly amongst themselves. She went to walk over when she and Fletcher were pulled aside by her two friends Atlas and Calypso. She smiled as all four of them walked into a quiet corner of the room. The four had not been together consistently since the war ended. Everyone was trying to get back on a normal schedule and get used to life once again.

"Before you got here I almost called George, Fred," Calypso admitted as she looked down to the floor with tears in her eyes. "I felt terrible but I just miss him so much and he's wearing Fred's sweater it just kinda happened."

Sahar gave her friend a small hug knowing that the boy's death was hard on everyone, especially, George. The boy was practically lost without him as he was quite literally missing his other half. The girl went on and explained that George gave her a long hug and quickly forgave her for the mix-up. She said he almost seemed happy to be called Fred once again as everyone has just been avoiding his name altogether.

Sahar looked to the boy from across the room. Instead of making eye contact with George, she saw another red-haired boy in his place. The girl was confused as she had never met him before. She also, never heard Molly mention another son besides everyone she had grown close with at Hogwarts. She never really knew the Weasley's because of their different houses. However, when staying with them during the time of the war she quickly learned who everyone was.

"Who's that?" She asked quickly looking to the other redhead in the kitchen. All three of her friends looked at each other and laughed. How did she not know of the boy who left his family? Atlas turned to her with an amused look on his face, "Percy? He is kinda the most annoying person ever. He practically disowned the Weasley's as his family because they believed Dumbledore. I wouldn't trust him if I were you."

Sahar shrugged her shoulders at his comment. If he was here know of course he was trying to change right? "Well, people do silly things when faced with fear," Sahar confessed knowing that war was scary and it was probably not an easy decision.

"It's raining!" Ron announced as he, Hermione, and Harry came in from setting up the tables outside. Molly let out a frustrated groan as she had not prepared for everyone to eat inside. The woman called over: Ginny, Fleur, Hermione, and Sahar to help her figure out a seating plan for the night. Fleur was the one who suggested the plan that Molly liked the most.

The girls went around the burrow and set up tables and seating areas in the living room and dining room. While it was not ideal for everyone to be eating in different rooms they were at least grateful to be with each other. Sahar was in charge of giving everyone a plate so they were not all trying to get one at once. Everyone knew, however, that Molly was going to inspect everyone's plate to make sure they all had enough to eat.

Sahar was down to her last plate and she knew that it belonged to Percy as he was the only person she had not said hello to that day. She looked around for the man but could not find him. She was confused but ignored it as she would simply find him later. She went up to George hoping that he could possibly tell her where his brother went.

"Try the kitchen, he's been helping Mum more since he moved back in." The brunette nodded and made her way to the kitchen in hopes of being able to introduce herself to the boy. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Percy and Molly sharing a laugh as he helped her get something from the cupboards. Sahar smiled as she was happy to see Molly genuinely smile in a long time.

Before she could leave to give the two more time together, Molly saw her out of the corner of her eye and called her over. Sahar smiled and quickly made her way over to the duo. The girl was confused why Molly never shared the story of Percy with her but brushed the thought aside as she assumed it was a sensitive topic.

"Percy dear, this is Sahar. She stayed with us during the war." Percy turned and gave the girl a small smile, taking a break from grabbing items to give to his mother. Sahar returned the smile and reached out to hand him his plate.

"Hi, I'm Sahar." The girl for once in her life did not know what to say. From all of the stories Mrs. Weasley told her Percy was never in them. Not once was the boy talked about and now here he was. The red haired boy said hi and then turned out of the room. "You have to give him a little to warm up to you." Molly explained as she watched her son sit in the corner of the room staying out of most conversations.

Sahar nodded as she followed the boy into the living room and sat right next to him. Percy looked to her with a confused look on his face. Sahar smiled as the two continued to look at each other, neither of them knowing what to do.

"Can I help you?" Percy asked, attitude dripping from his voice.

"I think you can Percy." She said with a smirk playing on her lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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