Chapter 3: Phoebe, Selene and Naomi

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Hi, everyone.

We hope this letter reaches Lady Artemis.

My Lady, we've been growing up with you, since we were twelve. We are glad that we joined the Hunt. The days with our sisters cannot be brought back, but we remember them. Very clearly. Thank you, Lady Artemis, for bringing us into the Hunt. 

Thalia, we hope you are doing good.

Thank you for leading the Hunt all this time. You did an awesome job. Please don't feel sad that we died, we are doing very well. There's only so much we can say in a letter, but you know how we are feeling right now.


We heard that you joined the Hunt. Thank you, and congratulations. Even though we were killed by Orion, we are glad you defeated him in the end. And joined the rest us. Thank you so much.

We think, we have to sign off now. Thank you, everyone, for bringing light into our lives.

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