Chapter 6: Beckendorf and Silena

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Hello, everyone.

We are well. We are enjoying life here. No one blames Silena. Everything's great.

If that's your question, we'll answer it for you. The two of us are still together. No worries.

Silena here. Firstly, I want to apologise to everyone. I caused a lot of deaths, and almost lost us the war, so I don't belong in Elysium. I deserved Punishment. But Charlie said it was fine. Even so, I would like to apologise. I'm sorry.

Beckendorf here. Please ignore Silena. No one is angry at her. 

Percy, I'm glad you blew up the ship in the end. I'm glad I was of help. Nyssa, Jake, everyone, how are you doing? I hope you are well. Because we are.

We wish the camp well.

Signing off, Beckendorf and Silena.

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