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Hi , my name is Lukas but my Japanese friends call me Naoko and I'm here to share you my near death experience in Japan all because of my favourite colour .

It all started back in 2013 when me and my mother moved into Japan . My mother is a doctor who decided to leave Germany to stay away from my dad . My dad was an accountant and he wasn't one of those people who I was really close with . He would often struggle with alcoholism and would often be late to work . My mom got a divorce and we wanted to start a new life so we went to Japan .

At first I struggled to adapt to the Japanese culture and often found it difficult to communicate with the people because I couldn't speak Japanese and I often feel shy while talking to new people .

But as time passed , I became more comfortable and could speak Japanese . I went to school and made a few good friends . But then met a new girl in my class who came all the way from USA . Her name was Abigail but all of us called her Emiko because of her cute smile . She had the most beautiful brown eyes and dark short hair .

I spoke to her during lunch and soon we became really good friends and got to know a lot about her . She was an aspiring singer . She would often sing songs for all of us whenever we got time to relax .

We got into a bus to go back home that day . While we were talking , we overheard three school children talk about something that would sound like a story -" A girl with no legs who cuts her victim into half by night time ". A woman who overheard them shouted at the children for believing in such stories . The woman did seem like she was having a tough time. Maybe that was because of the stress from work . Me and Abigail just decided to laugh it out and we headed home .

But the next day gave me anxiety for the rest of the day . That morning I saw the exact woman from last night on the television and the headlines read -" A woman was found dead in a railway crossing . She was cut into half ."

I didn't know a lot about the Japanese culture in the first place so it all seemed like a horror story to me .

That news instilled fear inside of me . I couldn't focus during class , I wouldn't eat anything that day and I  started to feel that I shouldn't leave my house . Then I started to think about the news that came on the Television . Was that just a dream ? Was I sick in the head ? Or did that "girl with no legs" really exist ? Either way it all seemed like a magical door that opened into a world of demons from which you could not escape once you enter it .

In the midst of all these thoughts , my friend Kendji scares me and I fell down . I asked him what the matter was and he said -" you look quiet lost Naoko . What's the matter ? " I didn't want to talk about that incident so I just said that it was nothing .

Kendji actually came upto me to ask me whether I wanted go out with himself , Emiko ( Abigail ) and Hayumi but then he saw me getting worried so that's when he decided to scare me .

Of course I wouldn't turn down an opportunity to go out with my friends  but then I asked Kendji -" If we go out , are we gonna be alright ? "

Kendji laughed at me -" What's happened to you Naoko ? Why are you acting so weird for few days ? Don't worry , we'll be fine ." He reassured .

He took us to a place which was close to my house and sells the best Udon . All of us ate , laughed , talked and enjoyed that evening . That was the first time I have felt better after that dreadful news .

When we were done , we said our goodbyes and headed home . Abigail and Kendji lives in the same flat so they walked home together whereas Hayumi had to catch a late night train that day . I told Hayumi to be really careful and call me after she reached home . She never called me so I gave a call and she didn't pick up my call . I thought she must have been tired and went straight to bed so I decided that I will see her tomorrow .

The next day was a usual day of school . Classes , homeworks and the usual chit chat amongst friends . I saw Abigail , Kendji and my other friends that day but surprisingly I did not see Hayumi . What happened to her ? Did she fall sick ?

I tried my best not to worry a lot . Later that day , Abigail received a text from Hayumi's mom which was in Japanese . Abigail couldn't read Japanese so I had to read it . After I finished reading the message , I felt as if I got an electric shock . The text said -" Hayumi.... is gone . She is no more ." I slowly burst into tears .

Abigail asked me what was wrong . I explained the whole situation and she felt heartbroken .

For days , Abigail wouldn't speak to me . She felt so upset . She often ignored me and all the others . She refused to eat and often told us that she wanted to be alone .

I couldn't watch her be like this for anymore longer . I had to talk and reassure her . After all she is my close friend .

The next day , Abigail called me and said that she wanted to talk to me . I agreed and she told me to meet her at the park in the usual spot we sat .

I went to the park and there she was , waiting for me . We talked for sometime and then she raised the question-" Do you feel that Japan has been weird ? Do you think we're safe ? Are we gonna die ?" I reassured her and told her that we'll be fine . Then she grabbed onto my hand-" Lukas , I..... really like ... you ... a lot . Do you feel the same about me ? "

My eyes lit up and my face turned red . There was an awkward pause between us . Then I gave her a tight hug-" I really like you too ! We'll be alright . I promise ."

She then asked me whether she wanted to get flowers for the railway crossing to remember Hayumi . I agreed but I told her that we had to be quick before it gets dark .

We then bought flowers and were set to go to the crossing close to my house . All of a sudden it got dark .

She asked me to wait for her till she cane back . All I could tell her was to be careful . She nodded and went to place the flowers .

Few minutes passed and she hasn't come back to me . I started to get worried so I went to check on her out of curiosity only to hear Abigail screaming and running away .

I asked her what went wrong . She cried out-" QUICK THAT GIRL WITHOUT LEGS IS TRYING TO KILL ME !!" I grabbed her hand and we ran as fast as we ever did . We began running towards my house .

I looked back to see what was chasing us and ended up hitting my head on a pole on the street  and falling down . In a faint voice , I heard Abigail crying out-" LUKAS ARE YOU OKAY ? LUKAS ?!" Footsteps making the noise "Teke Teke" got quicker and a bit loud .

I started to think about my mother and death . I promised her that we will get through this and here I am , going to meet my fate with a mobile phone with red cover on my hand .

Soon my vision faded to black .

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