The Snow Queen

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"Queen Elsa has returned!"

The second I stepped outside, all I could hear were the sounds of murmuring and whispers. Apparently, the 'Snow Queen' would be returning to Arendelle.

I've never met her, and whenever there were village events or celebrations with the royal family, I would stay inside. I can't handle all of the sounds and people so late at night.

I was, however, interested in seeing the Queen. She must've changed quite a lot since the last time she was here.

I stood above the dock, awaiting for another thunderous outburst of clapping and cheering. How were the townspeople of Arendelle so energetic all of the time?

"It's the Queen! She's returning on her mighty Nokk!"

Nokk? Like the Water Nokk? The one made out of pure water? So they do exist...

Apparently lots of weird things exist in Arendelle, including a Snow Queen who can control ice(and a bunch of other things).

I stepped forward, and was surprised to find a woman in a white dress. And she was riding what seemed to be a horse made of water across the fjord.

Of course I've seen the former queen before, but wow, I almost didn't recognize her.

Her usually confined hair was flowing freely by her shoulders, and her eyes were glimmering from the hot afternoon sun.

She bowed her head as everyone surrounded her with warm welcomes. I felt so bad for her.

As my attention was full surrendered to the Snow Queen, I felt a sudden tap by my shoulder.

I jumped back a bit, nearly falling down onto the dock. That would've been humiliating.

"Y/N? What're you looking at?" Rose asked me before looking behind my shoulder.

Rose has been my long time friend since I first moved into Arendelle with my father. Well, when my father was still around at least....

We've gone through a lot together, so whenever I need someone to go to, she's always the first person in mind.

"Wow, Queen Elsa looks... different. It's a good different, but wow." She awed as she watched the Snow Queen excuse herself through the crowd.

"Come on, Rose. You're almost twenty one, you need to grow up." I grumbled as I grabbed her arm and led her away from the dock.

"Oh, come on. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I can't look at girls." She pouted. We then began to walk through the empty streets of Arendelle while everyone was still busy with drooling over the Snow Queen.

"I know, but she's the former Queen. I would guess that she would be hard to get."

"Are you trying to say that I can't win her over?" She crossed her arms before aimlessly kicking a pebble in front of her.

"No, I'm just saying that she probably has insanely high standards. And you never know, she's probably straight." I shrugged.

"Are you serious? Have you seen her? I know a straight girl when I see one, and she is not it." She stated with determination. I forgot that Rose loves to talk about how good of a 'gaydar' that she has.

"So you like her?" I asked with a deadpan stare.

"No, she's not my type. She's a little too proper for me." She said with a disgusted tone in her voice.

"She was the Queen after all."

"Wait, have you seen her magic?" She suddenly stopped walking. I turned around and shook my head, earning a gasp and an excited grin from my friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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