Chapter 4- Bridging their lives

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"Darkness can't be driven by darkness; it needs a source of light to fight it."

Amy didn't chase Jace when he left the club. Partly because she knew couldn't leave the party for Gizzel and also for the fact that she drew him off from there. Also she didn't know what to do and the best she could, was to leave the circumstances as they where. Eventually she left the party, though early but late enough not to make Gizzel mad at her. She got into her car and started driving. For no reason she felt like going through the bridge route to her home, which was actually the longer route.

She was almost there to take a left and get on the bridge that connected the two parts separated by an enormous river flowing right beneath it until she saw a man in the walkways staring at the water

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She was almost there to take a left and get on the bridge that connected the two parts separated by an enormous river flowing right beneath it until she saw a man in the walkways staring at the water. He was wearing a long black coat with blond hair and had held a bottle in his one hand. He was standing on the edge like he was about to jump.

"Shit!" the word came with a sense of terror from Amy's mouth. She knew it was Jace. The guy matched all the details she had of him Last time she had seen him. She somehow managed to pull her car off driveway, park it and started running towards him. During this entire time she had an awful lot of scenarios run through her mind.

"What the hell are you doing?" she grabbed him from his arm and pulled him a bit inside were it was more safe.

"What are doing? You are ruining my view. Who are you anyway?" Jace said like a complete drunkard. He was way too drunk to understand anything he was doing or say.

"Your view?" Amy said with in high pitch voice out of frustration. "Ahhh... leave it. I am your guarding angel or well-wisher, someone who is her to help you out." She said trying to surpass her anger within herself.

"Wait did you thought I...I was going to jump?" he said laughing. "You know well-wisher or whatever you are, I can't; even if I want to." he had tears in his in eyes. He got up and went to the edge again.

"She asked me to stay alive till I am supposed to. Huhhh... leave it you don't have to hear it."

"No, I mean I can. I mean I will. Okay, you know strangers are the best talk off your heart. Because they will never judge you for anything but your words and chances are you will never meet them again." She said with soothing tone.

"Okay, so every day I try to mask my face like I have moved on and I don't think of her and I am okay but I am not. How am I supposed to live if I can't forget her?" he said in a heavy voice. "I am like in this dark place where there is no light and plus all her metaphors she has left for me. I just can't hold onto them, what they really interpret. I wish I would have died too that night, how am I supposed to stay."

The last words sent a chill down Amy's bone. "You will have to let go, to find a reason; all of us have one to stay here." Amy hugged him at the end of those words.

"Okay we need to get out of here before anything else happen anymore" she said in a more joyful tone to lighten the situation. Amy the held Jace around his waist and help him walk till the car. "By the way do you fly or swim like...?" and such unrelated boozed supported questions kept coming through as she got him till car and he crashed on car seat for some sleep.

A ray of light felt harsh and he opened his eyes to look around and find that he was in an unknown room, lying on a couch. He looked around to find someone but all in vain. Finally Amy Came out of her kitchen holding cup. "Hi sleepy head finally awake? Here take this it will help hangover."

"How did end up here. I was at..." said a confused Jace scratching his head. "I don't remember."

"I actually tried to take you home but there was media near door maybe something with your neighbor."

"Well thanks for that and what's your name? You see I am trying but..."

"Oh please don't, I haven't told you my name. And don't even be thankful or anything, I had to say you sorry for scaring you at pub last night."

"Yeah you are the..."

"The one you danced with, yes."

Amy got next him on couch and said, "Okay now some serious stuff." Jace had expression of question on his face. She held his hands and looked into his eyes saying, "Darkness can't be driven by darkness, it needs a source of light to fight it."
"Listen you don't know about..."

"Jace you bared yourself last night and I want to help you." There was gaze of truthfulness in her eyes which Jace hadn't notice in any one for long time.

"Why?" there was sense of tension his tone, as if he was really interested in it.
"Because, I want to help you. And know should just stay alive, they should live there life." saying those words Amy got up from the couch. "Maybe we can discuss this over coffee today?" Amy said now not facing at him. She was murmuring closely please say yes until he said, "Ahh...okay."

"Wait like you are ready for this?" she was now facing him with surprised tone, which she was trying to suppress.

"Yes, but on one condition." Jace said with a serious face.

Amy motioned her hand in a question.

"You will tell me your Name." he said breaking into a smile. "And you can't speak to anybody about this. "Deal?"

Amy motioned her hand at him and said, "Deal."

Jace raised his eyes in question with their hands still locked. "Amy it is." Amy said.

They had a smile on their face and some thoughts running through their mind.

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