Andrew Hamlin

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6 months later, Lincoln has been on the run ever since that day. It is not because of the police but because of three girls that always managed to find him.

Despite that, it never stop him from living his life. He managed to get a new phone and hack into the system to change his identity.(Lisa ain't the only genius.) He managed to achieve his dream of becoming a part-time comic book writer but he never accept any permanent jobs offered by many for obvious reasons. He even managed to buy himself a cheap second-hand RV and modified it to his liking.

Dan(a comic store owner): You know Mr Hamlin, I've sold a lot of shitty comics. You know what, most comics are shit but there are some which are A-qualities. Yours though make those A-qualities seem like cheap quick- money grabs.
Andrew(Lincoln): Thank you and please call me Andrew, Mr Kent.
Dan: Just call me Dan, but I have to ask, why you're always moving from town to town like you're on a tour?
Andrew: Let's just say it's a personal matter.
Dan:(A weird reason for a 55 year old man but hey, whom I to judge) Here's the money for the comics but remember, if you need help I got a friend who is a therapist.
Andrew: Appericiate the offer but no thanks. It was nice meeting you, Dan.
Dan: Same here, Andrew.

Andrew went back to his RV and begin working but cannot forget his former best friend.

Andrew: Damn it, Andrew Hamlin! He abandoned you, remember.

Flashback in the Mcbride house.

The scene shows Lincoln crying after learning Clyde told the Loud family one of his escape plans.

Lincoln: Why? Why? Why? We were brothers.....
Clyde: Sorry, Lincoln but I will still try everything to convince them to not believe in luck. I believe they will come to their senses.
Lincoln: Dang it, Clyde, is this because of Lori?
Clyde: No, it's not that, Linc-
Lincoln: Don't lie to me. When will you ever learn that Lori will never fall in love with you?
Clyde: Look-
Lincoln: You're just a stupid and stubborn boy who was born with a lot of medical problems. That's one of the reasons why Lori will never fall in love you. I don't even know why I become friends with you that (Halloween) night.
Clyde:...........(Starts crying)
Harold: Lincoln Loud, look what you have done!
Howard: Calm down, Clyde, calm down. He's just angry and not thinking straight.

There was a knock on the enterance door revealing to be the Loud parents.

The Loud parents: Lincoln Marie Loud, we heard everything and you're in big trouble!

End flashback.

Andrew: He's just a traitor, Andrew.

Andrew realized it's time to sleep and stop working. After putting on his pyjamas, he went to sleep, still feeling upset.

The next day, Andrew was waiting for his breakfast at a diner when he heard some familiar voices.

Leni: How can he be so selfish?
Luna: Don't know how, sis, but he can't hide or run forever.
Lynn: We should take extra precaution steps to make sure he never abandon us again. That and for making us chase him for this long.
The sisters: Agreed.
Andrew: Shit!!!Shit!!!Shit!!!

Andrew cancel his order and gave her the money equal to the price of the order as an apology. He left immediatly before she had the chance to speak.

The waiter: That was weird.

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