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Dust cleaved around me, my hair all messed up shadowy environment surrounding me, looking like a perfect homeless girl.

Today's prey was a famous politician, Mr. Jung, who got his seats by using manipulated ways, and has planned to bring down Zander to dust.

Before he could could execute his so called plan I need to turn him into dust.
Killing is not so difficult for me, it is a piece of cake for me.

According to my research Mr. Jung was going to pass from this street to meet someone close, that his driver and the bodyguards will not be with him.

He is going to be all alone.

A whit flash fell on my face, it made my eyes shut, the light was stagnant, a physical structure came towards me, "Excuse me, can you tell me where is Yeongyang street." The person spoke with a sturdy voice.

The prey came on his own feet to die.

"You are heading the right way Mister. This is the street you are searching for."
I replied. This voice will soon be screaming for help.

"Thank you so much." Mr. Jung started to head towards his car.
"Actually, I should say thank you to you for making my job easier." I went a little near to him so that I could see his fear while I kill him. "What do you mean?" His voice got more strong.

I reached for the gun from the back and kept it on his torso. "Keep that toy down girl, you think that you could kill me." His laugh was filled with fear which he was trying to hide.

I pressed the trigger back and the bullet was through his body. "Now it's my turn to laugh." So the prey was dead, now the body will taken care by the Zander. I did my job now they'll do their.

I killed a life to save the other one, which was more close to me than this scumbag, now the Zander won't touch him, Eunyoung, he is the only family left to me.

His resonant voice, which is begging for help, hallucinates that someone is after him. But now he is all fine and I can see him.

My thoughts were bewildered by the beep sound from the mobile, it was a message from Kim Dongmin, the leader of Zander, he has organized a meeting for me and I need to reach there soon.

Zander was also a family like to me, I have been working with them for a long time, I can say that I am carrying a family business, my dad also worked with the Zander and then he forced me to work here.

No one really wanted to mess with the Zander because they knew they would end up losing their life, even the police didn't do anything. After all everyone loves their precious life.

I departed from the Yeongyang street and headed towards Jung-gu area, the area where all the fancy businesses takes place. From drug dealing to murders everything happens here.

A truck was headed towards the headquarters of Zander, it was surely filled with weapons, just by its dusty and smoky smell you could tell what is in the truck. But what were they doing at the headquarters, there was no plan to attack someone.

I accelerated my speed to see what was happening without me knowing.
"This truck isn't of Zander." I was sure about it. Because this truck came the wrong way. There was something suspicious about it. My gut feeling was right. A man came out of the vehicle and started removing the weapons in the middle.

I aimed my gun on him and the bullet went through his head splashing blood everywhere. Now we have a dead body and free weapons. Great Sua.
I was late for the meeting. Mr. Dongmin sat in the front of me, his two eyes staring into mine.

"You did a great job Sua." A small smile plastered his face. I was rare for me to see a smile on his face. "You saved the Zander twice today. So I have a good news for you."

There was a pause which some what felt like an eternity as I wanted to hear the good news.

"You are going to finish Seo Changbin, the member of Stray Kids. And you need to complete the mission no matter what happens, or else you know what the consequences will be."

"Don't worry Mr. Kim I'll kill Changbin and then come back again."
So this is a good news, to kill somebody. I am doing this only for Eunyoung.

I got to work immediately, I expanded my contact with the world to get every information about Seo Changbin and Stray Kids. This target was not going to be easy, first of all, he is always surrounded by his group members, second their mind and their security is very fast. I needed to be careful.

So according to analyses, today Stray Kids will be going to a place where all the fancy and dangerous things happen, like drug dealing or sex trafficking, takes place, the late night club, they have a target to put down.

I got myself into my famous attire of being a homeless girl, which I'll soon be if I don't complete this mission.
Stray Kids will be attending the blossom club. Wow a night club named blossom.
One of the members of the Zander dropped me close to the club.

If I would have come walking it would have taken eternity and I would have lost my objective. Now I was waiting for Stray Kids to come, or maybe they are already here. It was Minho outside the club talking to a man which looked like their target.

According to my exploration, Stray Kids' quarry has the worst deaths. Minho started dragging the man to the dark side of the street, I followed him being careful that the other members don't notice me. I masked myself behind the boxes where I could get a clear vision.

Minho got hold of the person's neck tightly, his other hand reached out for the knife, which he kept inside the pocket of his jacket, soon the ears of the person were detached from their place and were on the floor, the same knife was interjected inside his torso.

They surely have the worst deaths.

One of the boxes behind which I was hiding fell. It was not an accident. It drew Minho's attention and came towards me furiously, as if he'll kill the moment he gets hold of me.

"Who are you and what did you see?" Minho pulled me out of the boxes, his fingers pressing inside my skin. "You see, I am just an homeless girl and was wandering her and then I saw you." I tried my best to act like a wanderer, who ended up seeing something which wasn't supposed to.

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