Under the Morning's Sun

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KATSUKI WAS KNOWN TO be a loud and passionate pro-hero, but Izuku was quite surprised with how gentle and quiet Katsuki was when they had sex.

Katsuki knew what Izuku liked in bed. Their communication during sex was on point. Izuku never left the bedroom disappointed.

Katsuki was that good. The pleasure was overwhelming and calm, Izuku would close his eyes and appreciate their bodies flushed together, sliding against each other with their sweats being evidence of their passion, lust and profound love for one another.

It was Saturday morning. The birds sang and announced the serene morning light passing through the window curtains of their bedroom.

Katsuki was resting atop Izuku, hips rolling in between Izuku's spread legs and slowly kissing him on the lips.

It was morning sex. That's what this was. What would had been a lazy or drowzy fuck though, Katsuki was instead wide awake. He wasn't going to half ass it by just getting himself off. He valued Izuku too much for such selfishness.

No one got left behind.

Izuku gently grabbed Katsuki's buttcheeks clenching whenever he pushed his cock inside Izuku's anus, stretched and prepped for these moments of sexual intimacy.

Katsuki's arms rested under the pillow Izuku's head rested on.

Katsuki leaned away with a smack of their lips. "How's it feel?" Katsuki asked quietly, eyes staring down at Izuku without missing the small flush on his freckled cheeks.

"Feels nice," Izuku answered, right hand letting go of Katsuki's buttcheek and traveling up his waist, fingertips sliding up his spine and stopping to place his hand on Katsuki's sexy shoulders.

Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. "Nice? Want me to go faster?" Katsuki didn't stop rolling his hip at the exact calm pace since he entered Izuku. His right hand went to move a strand of green hair off Izuku's forehead. "Are you feeling anything?" He cupped the side of Izuku's face.

Izuku turned his head to Katsuki's palm and kissed his palm. He looked at Katsuki from the corner of his green eyes. "Not much. Just fullness," Izuku yawned, then smiled in content, then caressed Katsuki's cheek with the back of his hand.

"Want me to hit your prostate?" Katsuki asked again. He always made sure Izuku was feeling good while they had sex. Izuku never got annoyed by it.

"No. Just fuck me like this," Izuku whispered, then leaned up to kiss Katsuki again.

Their tongues collided, lips joining the caresses of passion and love. Hips moved against the other's stilled hips offering the other in delight.

No one knew they were in a relationship. Just their parents and closest friends knew of their romantic relationship of three years.

If the public knew of their romantic relationship, it would cause such a buzz and the villains would surely use that fact to their advantage. The interviews would double and never end, and some would go beyond to cause controversy between Izuku and Katsuki.

Who wanted that? Both of them didn't want that. It was the only thing that remained private in their lives as famous pro-heroes.

The morning grew longer and their locked gaze never left one another.

"I love it when you look at me like that," Izuku said, hands grabbing a hold of Katsuki's shoulders, "while you're moving inside me, doing things to me. It arouses me so much."

Katsuki groaned. "You really know how to arouse me too. Do you?"

"I'm just being honest." Izuku closed his eyes. "It feels wonderful." He turned his head to the side and both his hands left Bakugou's shoulders to rest astride Bakugou's arms resting astride Izuku's head.

"It makes my mind cloud," Izuku continued, spreading his knees further wide and raising them as high as he could without raising his knees in the air but leveling them around his hip. "I'm at your mercy," Izuku craned his head up, revealing his beautiful neck. "opening my body to you, and having no one to interrupt us and impede us with past rules and restrictions because of our previous age."

Katsuki dipped his face to suck and kiss Izuku's neck.

Izuki inhaled a breath from his mouth. "We're now free to do what we want without consequence," Izuku continued slowly, then sighed. "It feels so good," he said, sliding his hand inward and intertwining with Katsuki's fingers.

Katsuki thrusted deeper, breathing in Izuku's scent on his neck. Their hands intertwined and held tightly with one another.

Izuku deserved a reward, Katsuki thought to himself. So, Katsuki rose up on his elbows and pressed his knee on the mattress, before jerking his hips in and out of Izuku.

Izuku moaned, looking up at Katsuki. "I'll make you feel better," Katsuki assured.

Izuku stared at Katsuki with hooded eyes and nodded, before closing his eyes with the increase of Katsuki's thrusts in the morning hours of Saturday.

Katsuki pulled out, angling his cock on a different angle then, snapped his cock inside Izuku's opening.

Izuku's mouth flinched open, wide. "Right there."

Katsuki heeded Izuku's guidance, pounding harder.

Izuku opened his eyes to look at Katsuki, breathing growing louder by each thrust. His green curls bouncing along with his body.

Morning sex was the most calmest time of the day and with the most amazing and loving forms of sex.

Izuku orgasmed through Katsuki's fingers wrapped perfectly around his cock, which stroked up and down while Katsuki had fucked him. All the while their eyes never left one another's. They couldn't look away even if they wanted to, too mesmerized and transfixed by the reality of their relationship.

Katsuki had kissed him, moaning as he ejaculated inside him. Katsuki was a gentle man when they had sex.


Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.

Under the Morning Sunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें