Chapter 3

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Me and Harry have been in a hug for about an hour, on the cold concrete ground.

"We need to go Soph, Let's go back to yours, collect your stuff. i spoke to the firemen, they said only the ground floor was set alight. You can live with me."

I stand up. Still sobbing. My mum is dead. the last thing i asked her was " do you want soup".  Why does this always happen to me. My dad died when i was 5. Him and Harry's dad. They went out fishing trip in the ocean  and died in a shark attack. That's when me and harry really started to rely on eachother. We never got on with our mothers. We only had eachother.

"Harry" I say with a whimper

"Yes?" Harry says

"Thank you."

He towers over me. He's 5 foot 8foot and i'm 5 foot 3. "Soph, i would do ANYTHING for you."

This is what i mean when i say he's the sweetest person on earth.

I smile up at him and take his hand . We carry on walking until we get back to my house.

I can't stand it. My childhood home. ruined. burnt. Tears fill my eyes. But of course Harry being Harry, still had a hold of my hand and pulls me upstairs.

I pack my things up. Holding all my emotions in.

I don't know what's going to happen with my house but i don't care. I'm only fifteen. I don't need to worry about these things.

"Cmo'n" Harry says as he pulls me away.

We get in his car and he starts driving. We stop at a car park.

"H-Harry? why are we here?" I ask

"I need to tell you what i was saying on the phone earlier." He spoke firmly.

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