chapter 7

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Once we arrive home it's quite late, around 8pm so we order pizza. I offered to pay but Harry being the gentlemen he is payed.

"Are you sleeping in my bed tonight again?" Harry asked

I completely forgot about the events of yesterday. Maybe saying yes was a good idea. He makes me really happy.

"It's up to you" I say

"Gosh you are so indecisive. But if i have anything to do with it you're sleeping in my bed tonight. And tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that" Harry says

i laugh at what he's just said. "Okay okay i get it"

Harry just stops and stares at me

"You alright?" I say

He doesn't respond. 

He just keeps staring

"You're so beautiful"

My heart flutters

He makes me so happy.

I feel a little blush sneak on to my face

"Thank you Harry" I respond

"It's getting late, we should go to sleep" Harry says

I get changed into a light pink tank top and a pair of grey jogging bottoms and climb into bed next to my new boyfriend Harry.

It feels so weird to say that. Harry, my best friend of 15 years, is now my boyfriend. Harry Edward Styles. My boyfriend

He's done so much for me over the years i feel like i've done nothing for him. I know tacos are his favourite food. Tomorrow night i'll cook them. I know it doesn't mean a lot but it would mean a lot to me knowing i've done something nice for him.

Within 10 minutes  i've fallen asleep- and having a nightmare

The fire. My front door almost engulfed in the flames. I see my mum lying on the couch. her lifeless body being set alight. That's when i see it. I see the pills on the side. Harry was right. She overdosed,  lit a cigarette. And it set the house alight. She's so SELFISH. I COULD HAVE HELPED HER. She always thought i was incapable of everything. I am more than capable and i'm going to prove that.

I scream as i wake up.

"Soph?! what's wrong" Harry says just as confused as i am

"Nightmare. Fire"

"it's almost 9am, we should get up. I'm sorry about your nightmares. Let's do something else today"  Harry says

There's a knock at the door.

"Don't worry i'll get it" I say saving Harry from getting up

I open the door and to my suprise no ones there. I look at the ground and there's a letter. It says To Sophie. Could they not have posted it through the letter box? i roll my eyes and pick up the letter. Oh- it's my mums post-morton. What if it is the overdose? I'll never forgive myself. I could have helped her. I'm too scared to open it

"Harry" I shout from downstairs

"Yeah??" He shouts back

"Can you come down?"

"Okay coming"

He sees the letter in my hand and with just eye contact he knows that i want him to open it.

I'm staring at his face as he reads the letter. He finally looks up. 

"You really should read it for yourself" Harry says intently

"O-okay" i manage to stutter out

Dear Ms Legg

First off, i'm starting by giving my condolences. I'm very sorry. Losing someone is very difficult at such a young age. We did the Post Morton and these are the results.

Misuse of Drugs
Burnt alive

As we weren't there before the fire started, we are unable to say which one caused the death

My apologies

Mr Patesia


I look up at Harry.

I want to cry; but I won't. It's okay, I can't change the past. No one can so there's no point getting worked up over it.

Harry pulls me into a hug

I love how we don't have to say anything to communicate. He knows exactly how i'm feeling 24/7

This man knows me inside out. I'm so lucky

"are you okay?" harry asks

"Never been better" I say forcing a smile

"Do you want tacos?" I ask

"For breakfast?" Harry says

I glance at him

"Sorry that was a stupid question, Of course i want tacos for breakfast"

I cook them for him and he eats them. I'm not that hungry. I feel too sick to eat.

I know she overdosed, But it's okay. She's happier now. She was ill.  Enough deppressy buisness.

"Thank you" Harry smiles at me

"No problem" I smile back. A real smile. I'm happy i did this for him.

"We going anywhere today?" I ask

"I was thinking a movie day?" Harry replies

"Sounds perfect." I say

"Anything is perfect if you're involved"

We watch Love Actually, Bridget Jones and my personal favourite, Five Feet Apart.

Harry said they were all rubbish, But that's his opinion.

"Are you not hungry?" Harry asks me

"No" I say quickly

"Soph you need to eat" Harry said

"I'm not hungry"

"Sophie please eat"

"Not hungry"


"I SAID IM NOT HUNGRY" I shout and get up

I walk out of the front door still in my pyjamas. I'm walking faster than i knew i could because Harry was still a while behind me. He starts running

Why did i run away?

He's literally just trying to protect me

He's trying to be there for me

Gosh why am i like this ?

He's such a good person

And that's exactly why I don't deserve him.

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