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1 || Tell us about your wip(s)!

Ack, I currently have six wips! (Tip: DO NOT DO THIS FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AHHAHAHA)

I didn't include anything in my drafts cuz there's too many uwu

The Mourning Samurai 

I started this in 2016? I think. This one is a Naruto Shippuden AU, turning Japan into an entirely different country with a spice of zombies called shikabane (means undead), an Undead King lore, and even an alliance of four samurai clans who protect this country—Land of the Rising Sun. I really enjoyed concocting the world here, and because of my love for the characters that died in the canon universe, I kept them alive though I voided details of the war and stuff. I do regret not finishing this earlier, not to mention it's 2020 now and it's still not done.

It's mostly action and thrill, with a subtle touch of romance between Yoshie and Obito. Their romance is really slow because they have their pasts holding them back. Developing Yoshie as a character was really experimental but I love how now she's healing slowly in her own terms. For most of the current story at the moment, Yoshie is this unstoppable samurai with godlike skill in the samurai ways. But we see her cracking as the story goes along, which pains Obito who grew to love her and developed a desire to protect her despite both of them barely knowing each other on a deeper level—and I do not mean backstory. Going on from that, it's a story of trying to find out how to stop the spread of these zombies, which is Yoshie's way of redeeming herself.

Faust Lied to the Devil

I wanted to try a darker route in the hero universe, especially that in BNHA most of the heroes are valiant.  Of course, we see some fall and stuff, but to look at the world in the eyes of someone who only thinks not feel? Rather tha an outright sadist, someone clearly crazy, the robotic, emotionless route was the one I chose.

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