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~ Maddie's POV ~

"Wait a sec Mads, I gotta take this call" said my father when his phone rang. I put down the dice and gave him a questioning look.

"It's your mother" he whispered that last part, almost too scared to answer.

My parents had recently split up due to my mothers job. Lately, she was never home, always having too many things to take care of.

I was never mad at her for leaving so often. I knew how important her job was to her, and I wasn't the type to always demand attention.

Growing up, my father was the one who was always taking care of me. He was like my best friend and rarely ever left our house.

Even though Mom was almost never home, she was always in touch. She always called me to see how I was doing and we would even gossip about my love life.

The truth was, I loved her, but I also understood why my dad wanted to have a divorce. I still called her once in a while, but it wasn't the same.

I chuckled at my dad's fear.

"Dad it's ok, we can continue playing later"

He mouthed the words thank you and I started to head to my room. Even though my mother's job brought us some pain, it also came with advantages.

We lived in a huge mansion, and when Becca was home, she used to create new gadgets and experiment with old ones.

I picked up my phone to see three missed calls from Tommy.

I had recently broken up with him, for he cheated on me with another girl. I was heartbroken and truly disappointed in myself.

When I finally opened up to someone, I was treated like shit. I can't believe I could be so naive.

"Maddie come down NOW!"

My father interrupted my thoughts. Hurriedly, I ran down the stairs, not wanting him to get angrier than he already appeared to be.

Once I made it to the living room, I noticed Dad was not mad . He was scared.

"Dad what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

He motioned for me to sit down next to him on the couch, and I did.

"Look, honey, do you remember that A.I. your mother was working on?" Asked my father, while resting his hand on my back.

"Which one? A.L.I.E?"

He nodded his head.

"Well, something happened. Something bad. I need-"

"What happened??" I interrupted.

"Maddison, please let me finish"

"Yes, um, sorry" I replied embarrassed.

" Look I need you to get into one of the cabinets where you will be safe, I will join you shortly once I go to the island the take care of some things" My father said in a serious tone.

" The cryosleep to ones? Dad we don't even know if they work! Mom said she still needs to fix some things. And why would I have to go? If it is so dangerous then shouldn't you come in too? Dad you're scaring me. Please tell me what happened."

"I guess you are right. You are old enough to know the truth. Remember when A.L.I.E. told your mother we needed population reduction?"

"Y-yes? I thought Mom took care of that." I said, confused and worried to why this information was relevant at the moment.

" Well, apparently she did not. A.L.I.E. got access to the nuclear bomb launch codes. I need to help Becca hack A.L.I.E. out, or at least shut the A.I. down, which is why I need to go to the island."

" WHAT? Wait so are you telling me mom's work might end the human RACE?! How can you be so calm?! I need to call Holly, grandma, EVERYONE! W-we have to warn them Dad!"

"Maddie, please calm down, there is only a very small chance of anything happening. The cabinet is just a precaution. I will open it once this is all over. Honey, you are going to be ok"

He emphasized that last sentence. I was shocked. I needed time to process this newly given information.

"Please Mads, you have to trust your mother and I"

"O-ok, I trust you" I said giving in.

We headed outside in silence, where we had a small bunker in case anything happened. This is where the cryo cabinets where at.

When we reached our destination, I laid down on the flat surface.

It was not very comfortable for a machine created for years of sleeping, but according to my mother, time would pass in the blink of an eye, keeping your body as it was when you entered the cabinet.

I looked at my father once last time before he closed it.

"Dad, I'm scared"

"It's ok honey, I will wake you up as soon as this all passes. Years from now we will look back at this and laugh about it"

" I love you Dad" I said, hoping this would not be the last time I would see his face

" I love you too Maddison"

With that, he closed the the chamber.

" May we meet again" I thought to myself as I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

~Author's note~

Hey everyone! So this is the first fan fiction I have ever done, so please have mercy on me.

I thought this was a pretty cool idea and I hope no one has done it yet. Anyway, if you have any questions about the story, don't be afraid to contact me! I will try my best to update at least twice a week, but no promises.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I will enjoy writing it :)

Love, *
Valentina 🖤 *

From Before the Bombs // Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now