Trayvon Martin

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Trayvon Martin was only 17 years old when he was shot.

this was back in 2012, but still it's the same situation as these other black people.

captain of neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman, was responsible for this death. he claimed it was self-defense. but for what? the kid did not do anything to him.

February 26- Trayvon Martin was only going to the store when Zimmerman shot him for no reason.

before the death, Zimmerman had called the police and told them about a "suspicious person" (Trayvon) and the police ordered him not to follow the person but he did anyways.

neighbors heard gunshots and called the police. in one of the 911 calls, they heard "help, help" and then the gunshot went off.

at the time of the shooting, Trayvon was on the phone with his girlfriend. she said she could hear someone ask him what he was doing and then she said she heard Trayvon reply, asking him why the man was following him. then the connection died.

February 27- his dad filed a missing person report and the police sent him pictures and he confirmed it was his son.

march 12- George did not get charged for the murder.

march 13- detective says he should be charged with manslaughter, considering the fact that Zimmerman "failed to identify."

march 19- they started further investigation into this death.

march 28- on television, Zimmerman's father said Trayvon threatened to kill George and that's why he shot. (which obviously is not true because the girlfriend heard everything.)

april 11- Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder. and his lawyer said that he turned himself in.

april 23-Zimmerman was bailed out. later that day, he released a not guilty plea.

june 3-Zimmerman surrenders and gets taken into custody.

june 12- his wife was arrested and charged with perjury. (basically not telling the actual truth to the judge)

july 5- they set his bond to $1 million.

july 6- Zimmerman was released after paying 10 percent of the bond.

a lot more happened after these dates, but here is some of the things that they went through. and some of the things i found important. if you want more details, look up "Trayvon Martin's death" on google or safari.

i still cannot believe that stuff like this actually happens. this KID was shot for no reason. at all.

cops are trained to protect and serve and this is what they go do? this goes to all cops. even though Zimmerman was not a cop, he was neighborhood watch and death was certainly not the answer.

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