chapter 2<3

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y/ns POV


when you left the cellar with scott and your brother u decided to go upstairs to your room to redo your hair, but when you entered your room you saw your little sister abigail looking through you hair supplies

"pequeña perra, qué haces con mis cosas?" you said rather aggressivally

*you little bitch, what are you doing with my stuff?*

"no es mi culpa que tengas todas las cosas geniales y mamá me compra todas esas cosas de niños" she replied

*its not my fault you have all the cool things and mom buys me all that kid stuff*

"Tus 10 años eres una niña" you said stating the common facts

*your 10, you are a kid*

"bueno, no actúo como uno, a diferencia de algunas personas" she said making you clench your jaw

*well i dont act like one, unlike some people*

but before you could say anything your mom walked in breaking the tention

"que paso abigail" your mom said quickly

*what happened?, what did you do abigail?*

"esta pequeña perra estaba revisando mis cosas y arruinándolas como siempre" you said angry

*this little bitch was going through my stuff and ruining them as usual*

"no es mi culpa ella tiene todas las cosas geniales, acabo de cumplir 10 años, soy casi una mujer" she exclaimed

*its not my fault she has all the cool things, i just turned 10, im almost a woman*

you and your mom both scoffed

"está bien, Abigail, te compraré más cosas, solo deja y / n solo" your mom said while grabbing abigails hand leading her downstairs with all the guests

*okay abigail ill buy you more things just leave y/n alone*

"gracias mamá" you said 

*thank you mom*

you quickly made your way downstairs to see scott, chris and y/b/n talking while oscar and angella were watching t.v, you decided to join oscar and angella to watch fresh prince

"whered you go gorgeous?" oscar exclaimed

"i just went to fix my hair" you said while blushing

then ocsar fake yawned just to put his hand around your shoulder, angella looked at you the smiled looking back at the t.v

"hey y/n wanna grab a drink?" oscar said to you

"sure oscar" you said while taking oscars vacant hand to get yourself a cola

you opened the fridge and grabbed your drink, he grabbed sprite but you went for cola

"lets go outside, i wanna ask you someting" he said. making your heart skip a beat

"yeah of course" you said in a low voice then following him to ur huge backyard

"so, ive been meaning to ask you" he said before going silent for a couple of seconds "of you wanted to go out with me?, like on a date?" he said quickly

your face lit up with joy "yes, of course" you said happily

he grabbed your hand and made your way inside back on the couch, which now had you, oscar, angella and chris

you were sitting next to angella and oscar while chris sat next to angella

"so did he ask you yet?" angella asked anxiously 

"yeah, i said yes!" you said happily

"oh my god yayyy" she said

chris's POV                    


when i saw oscar and y/n come back from outside all happy, i was beyond mad, that shouldve been me, she deserves a man thats gonna stick with her through thick and thin, love her, cherish her, not go see someone else while lying to her, anyways its too late, i over heard angella asking y/n if he asked her yet and she said yes, i dont know what she meant but i think he asked her out, this isnt fair, shes gonna regret this.

y/ns POV


something was telling me to not go out with him, something was telling me this wasnt right, i have a very strange feeling but im not backing out now, ive been dreaming of this day for so long, im not gonna let a stupid gut feeling ruin this

i saw chris go to the kitchen, i decided to follow him to get a bottle of water

"hey" i said entering the kitchen

he turned around eager to see who was talking to him, when he saw that it was me his face lit up, kind of cute, no stop y/n, oscar just asked you out, stop

"hey" he said happy to see me

"you know i think we would make good friends" i said to the blond boy next to me

"yeah" he said with his smile fading away

"anything wrong?" i asked concerned

"no no dont worry about it" he said

chris's POV

when she said we should be friends, i didnt know if that was a good thing or not, i wanted to be more than friends, i wanted to love her, watch movies with her, go out with her, have fun with her, spoil her, take her places, start a family with her, but now its too late, ill never be able to do that with her because of that jerk oscar, hes gonna break her heart, and hes gonna regret it, im gonna make him regret it.


hey guys! sorry this chapter is a bit shorter but i was kinda busy and i had to write something quickly lol.

stay safe!

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