Day Eight Part One

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Today was the day I officaly started school. Well not really it ws just Orentation. But I was still Nervous. I mean I knew Skyler but thats it! I was staring at my celling when the alarm went off. 

7 O'Clock. It read. I had to be at school by eight. I wasent sure if Dad had left yet or not. I got up, put on my uniform, (They had sent it in the Mail A head of time.) Then went down for breakfast. Today we were having French Toast. Yum!! I ate, brushed my teeth, then we got in the car to drive off to orentation. 

"You nervous?" No not at all! Whats to be nervous about? New life, new school, new EVERYTHING! Whats to be scared about?


"You sure?"


"Knew it. But hey Im sure the kids will love you!"

"Sure hope they do." I grumbled. We had arived at Albion Heights. I was shaking. 

'Just get out of the car and into the bulding' I tell myself. 

"Well I better get into school! Love  you bye!" I got out of the car and before I shut the door I looked back at Robert. He was smiling.

"Love you too Taylor."

I shut the car door and walked tward school.

"Taylor! Taylor!" I herd Skylers voice from somewhere ahead of me. 


"Taylor! So glad to see you! Im supposed to show new students where there classes are and stuff! So... whats your first class?"

"I havent gotten my schedule yet."

"Oh!" She gestured for me to folllow her over to a table. She was muttering my name over and over untill she found my schedule. 

"Aha!" She exlaims. She hekd up the paper then handed it to me. Then she bent back over the table looking for hers. I waited queitly for her to show me what the other tables were for. The next table over was for ENGLISH ( Mr.Kane.) That was my engluish teacher! So I went around to the other tables with Skyler and we compared schedules. 

"Look we have four of the eight classes together!" I looked over  at the two schedlues and saw that she was right! We had preforming arts together, Science, English, and Social Studies. Yay! I herd the first bell ring, we have five minties to get to class. I mildy remembered where everything was. 

-Sorry for bad spelling and grammar 

Life/w Robert SheehanWhere stories live. Discover now