Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: ABUSE, CUSSING

  It hurts, being whipped, over, and over, and over again. Having chains restraining your wrists all day everyday. Watching the one person on earth who you thought cared for you,  laugh at your suffering. But life just hurts in general, so there is no room for complaining.

    Your father walks down the steps to the basement. Your eyes wander up from the ground and see him standing in front of you, belt in hand. "Turn around." He seethes. You nod, and turn away so your naked back is facing him. He shuffles a bit before roughly swing the rough leather down on your back. After this happening on a daily basis for fifteen years, you were used to the abuse and didn't even flinch at the stinging feeling brought on your back. You hear him laugh insanely as he does it again.

   You feel the burning sensation on your back as blood emerges from the few hits he had done a bit too hard. Make it stop. Make it stop. make it STOP. Your mind chanted. Your father chuckles at the sight of the red liquid oozing out of the whip marks, then leaves you alone in the darkness of the basement.

You hear the door creak open again, and the familiar tread of heavy boots echoes in your ears. You notice he has a bag clutched in his hand, and a smirk very visibly showing, even through the blackness of the cold basement. "Cheek, or Chest dear?" He asks with a sneer. "C-Cheek please" You respond. He takes out what looks to be a medical scalpel and traces it gently along your face, not yet cutting through. "Whatever you say" He whispers. He rakes it through your skin, a small squeak coming out of your mouth as he does so. When he finishes, blood gushes out of the newly found wound, and onto the concrete floor. "You've been a good pet, you can have the leftovers from dinner tonight." He says as he walks back upstairs.

You felt yourself growing dizzy as more blood drips down onto the cement. Just as you were about to pass out, you heard the door opening and then the sight of your father with his remaining food. He sets it just barely far enough for your face to reach it, then grins. "You have the option to give up the food for a bandage on your cut." He offers. It's been three days since I've eaten... but at this rate I'll die from blood loss... "B-Bandage p-please" You utter out. He chuckles and picks up the food to grab the bandage as a replacement.

He comes back and puts the bandaid on your cheek and then turns to leave again. "T-Thank you M-Master." You stutter. He nods in approval then leaves you by yourself again.

It was morning you assumed, as you could hear your father upstairs scrambling to get to work. You knew that he would come down here before he left to make sure you knew your place in the world. Just as you though that, you hear the door slam open at the top of the stairway,

   Oh no. He was angry. That is never good for you. He stomps down the steps harshly and then you see his blazing eyes on you. "Why are you still alive bitch?!" He yells at you, a drop of saliva hitting your forehead. He scoffs and marches up the staircase shutting the door behind him.

     You wiggle your wrists from the chaffing of the chains, when you notice the bolt holding it, was loose. You grin at the thought of escaping and pull as hard as you could at the restraints. The bolt rips out of the wall and clangs onto the floor. You yank on your other chain, and hear it move. You pull harder and hear it fall to the floor next to the other one. You smile and try to get up, only to be shoved down to the ground.

     "Did you really think I would let you leave?" He whispers in your ear.

    You shove him off you and run up the stairs, tripping a couple times from not standing in so long.

   When you reach the door you fling it open and dash out, only to see a tall man, with a blue mask...

    You pause and try to cover your bare body from the unknown guest. "You fucking whore! Get back here!" You hear your father scream. You squeak and try to run past him, but he pulls you behind him as your father comes upstairs.

"Who the fuck are you?" Your father snarls. The masked man says nothing, only charges him, and stabs him with an unknown weapon.

    Your father falls to the ground, clutching his stomach in attempt to survive. It didn't work though, because his eyes become dull, and his body goes limp.

   You cover your body, trying to hide your embarrassment of being unclothed in front of a complete stranger. "T-Thank you s-sir" You stammer. He yet again, remains silent, but grabs your hand surprisingly gently, and takes you to the second story of the house.

   You feel a lot better after having your wounds treated and then wearing clothing for the first time in fifteen years. "A-As a show of m-my gratefulness, y-you can keep m-me" You praise. He tilts his head, then nods. He extends his hand, offering you assistance in walking, since you have not completely gotten used to it yet. You shakily give him your small hand, and he carefully pulls you out of the house, and into the woods.

    The man pulls you along the pathway through the forest, head focused in front of him. Your head though, was focused on him. You were curious about him, and had questions swirling through your thoughts. He finally turns towards you, probably noticing the feeling of your gaze. You look at the features of his mask. The eye holes had black tar dripping from them, but it complimented the royal blue of his mask and the navy hoodie he wore.

   "M-May I ask y-your name s-sir?" You stutter out. You feel his gaze linger on you for a moment before turning back to the path. "You can call me Jack" His rough voice responds. You nod and smile lightly at the warm breeze blowing through the woods, and onto you s/c complexion.

   After awhile, Jack had stopped and looked around, seemingly waiting for something.
"U-Um, Jack Sir, what are we waiting f-for?" You politely ask. "Our escort" He claims.

   After five minutes, the so called, 'escort' arrived, and man did he creep you out. He had a carved smile, and no eyelids, and he would stop looking at you with his crazed eyes. You soon shook off the feeling, thinking it was better than what you were used to.

      The creepy man took you to a ginormous mansion, that looked very eerie. You went in none the less though, because Jack was your new master, and you didn't want to anger him.

   Jack drags you to a dark oak door, that seemed to have static behind it, which was giving you a terrible headache. Jack knocked on the door, then when you heard no response, he went in anyway.

    Jack takes you into what looks like an office, that has a very tall, very faceless, white being. You almost shook in fear, thinking he was going to hurt you worse than what your father did when it said, "I will not hurt you child." You relaxed, and looked up at it. "Jack, I will let you keep her, but, I require her to be trained in case I need an extra proxy" He bellows. Jack nods and takes your hand again, leading you out of the mansion.

   This time, Jack takes you to a decently big cabin. When he unlocks the door, he allows you inside where you can look at your surroundings. Black fabric couch, a TV, and a kitchen... You observed. You smile, loving the place already. "Come on, it's pretty late. I'll take you to the guest bed room." His raspy voice mutters. You grin brightly and follow him to the doorway of the room. "There should be some of my old T-Shirts in there, you can wear those." He explains. You nod and thank him, going to the dresser and pulling one out. It was f/c, and very big. You shrugged it on and then smiled yet again at the comfort. You yawned, then crept into the bed, for a good, long, happy, sleep.

Word Count: 1500

First Chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me if there is any errors in my writing, English isn't my first language and I need to know what I do wrong so I can fix it.

Eyeless Jack x Female! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora