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(Sombra's POV)

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(Sombra's POV)

Not many ponies at this pity party. The candles are dim and the wind finds a way to give you chills.

Somehow they're still so happily married, that pale bastard probably has cheated, at least once. He must've, there's no other way around that issue.
She's doing her thing, what's she's best at, she's been the centre of attention, a view of excellence, pffffff, a whore.
That pesky mare doesn't understand that her circumstances aren't adequate, she's expecting something, someone, she doesn't know it.
But I do.

The violet sky, a constant reminder of home, the aurora is likely to be at her greatest tonight, yet here I am, at a ballet of disgrace.

The elders are showcased with a tango of disappointment, the young ones obnoxiously trot everywhere, as if they didn't have a care in the world - they won't have a care in the world, at least they won't have anything to be bothered by after tonight.

The masquerade of sympathy continues and my mask sits still on my nose, disguised by disgust and discrimination, I fit in with the crowd.

If my presence hasn't been discovered, then, how blind are they?

The so famous two sisters, they stand there, smiling, cheerful to their guests, not how I remember those two bitches.
Cold, cruel, arrogant, greedy, lustful, filled with wrath. That is how they use to behave, how they use to criticize every one of your steps, every one of your inhales of oxygen, after, they'd judge how you exhale.
They use to be more alert, more confident.

But now they're a solid colour.

The pathetic cliché cheesy princess profile;
Smile all day✓
Be sure to welcome everyone except for somepony who you instantly judged✓
Be 'kind'✓
Have some manners every now and then, especially when you happen to be in public✓
Like the colour pink✓
(Alternative, black or white)
Sound as fancy as you possibly can by using uncommon words and try to be sophisticated✓
Everypony loves you✓

Are you a fricking 10 out of 10? Madame?

You give a negative answer, but why? Why aren't you perfect, Sun ray ma'am? Why is Starry night ma'am so worried?

Why are you always so calm?
Why do you always think that everything will be alright?

When have you given another point of view? When have you EVER given second chances?

You trusted that purple pony; who has an extreme OCD, social anxiety, and is, what a third of your age?

Yet, you never dared to trust the one too many other chances you had, with US.

Discord, he may be an asshole most of the time, but he's shown to be trustworthy at times, he can only be what he is, you wouldn't ask him to change the way he looks, but you've got him round that yellow pegasis' hoof.

Chrysalis, she's a changeling, we all know, and she's also a circus freak. She's greedy and intelligent, she could've compromised with you to feed her subjects and help you just as equally. You wouldn't have asked her to leave her hive.

I could only despise you more if I was able to scream it until my lungs may bleed. I used to be more ordinary, I used to actually care, I used to listen to others, and I was just the greatest at negotiation. But the moment you have me the wrong look, you swiped all of my potential away. You wouldn't ask me to earn different skills?

Tirek and Scorpan could've saved their breaths. You could've been more aware of your poor security systems. Tirek only wanted what he didn't have. Scorpan did too, but your ways of ruling seduced Scorpan into the arms of your ponies and a bold path of truth that led to your feet. You wouldn't ask them to stop been brothers.

You've always been waiting for something that is never arriving, because that package, we've opened, tested and teared apart until it's particles ate each other.

You're such an idiot.

But here's my ways, the light only tends to shine on one side and the dark reflects.

Little girl,
little foal,
little fool,
little bringer of doom.

The offspring of that classic pair is their only their ticket to heaven. As she's likely to get them killed, then get herself killed.

This party isn't here for me to daydream.

The violated smiles on their faces makes me feel as if they're walking upside down, inside out.

I just can't get over how dull you are.

Listening to the incoming conversations nearby only gives me more and more descriptive statistics of this event.

It's an anniversary party.

That Blueblood is possibly the only one that beats you in fashion sense, ugh he's such a brat.

I may look like a weirdo sitting at the roots of this artificial tree but I know my schedule, and this party wasn't in my agenda.

I sacraficed my time.

What is my purpose here?

To attempt to draw attention to myself?

To ruin the event somehow?

To humiliate somepony?

To drag my thoughts and drown them in my dry tears? I prefer that option.

Sometimes I feel that I think too deeply.

So...I wrote and drew dis. It's up in my Deviantart too. Don't worry my heart also sank like the Titanic when I wrote this..

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