Part 1

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Day: 1
Time: 5.33 PM
Location: Warehouse.

“Bokuto-san, he is dead.” Akaashi wiped off the blood on his face with a handkerchief. The stains on his white blazer and shirt wouldn’t be able to come off, he knew that, he had been in this situation before, so he had another set of clothes under the white formal wear. A black shirt and black pants. The concrete floor would make it easy to burn the white clothes, before the police found it. There wasn’t any risk in making a small fire out of the clothes, there was nothing else in the room except a wooden chair with the newly killed body, and a bunch of dust flying around the air only becoming visible, when it came under the light of the sharp lamp shining white light down on the body. None of the things in the room could harm Akaashi or Bokuto, if they burned.

“Tch.” Bokuto stood up straight again and wiped the blood sprayed over his face like a spray can away in his white sleeve, like it was just sweat after training. He hadn’t gotten all the information, he wanted, only a little small info that he couldn’t really use. The task they had taken was important, else Bokuto wouldn’t had taken it himself. He had been in the business a long time, and only took important tasks himself together with Akaashi, and they rarely failed at doing their job, but today was one of those days. Bokuto knew, it wasn’t because, they were bad at their job, because they weren’t. There were only two possibilities, why they had failed. One: This guy actually didn’t know anything. Two: He feared someone, more than he feared them.

“Bokuto-san we need to move.” Akaashi had already taken his formal wear off and thrown it in a plie on the floor. They had already spent too long in the warehouse. Not that the police would come, no one was going to find the place in a long time. No, it was because, the longer they stayed there, the bigger the risk of leaving clue behind became. They knew, the police were smart, so they just had to be smarter, and that included spent as little time at one place as possible.

“Yeah, yeah.” Bokuto took off the white clothes covered in blood and threw it in the same pile as Akaashi’s. He wasn’t in a hurry, he knew how to avoid leaving clues behind, so he wasn’t so stick as Akaashi. Not that Akaashi didn’t know, because he did. But since Bokuto was the leader, he moved around more freely caring less about the rules. His white and grey mixed hair had gotten a little red colouring, nothing that couldn’t get away from a bath. “Damnit!” Bokuto squat down and ran his hand through his hair with an annoyed sigh.

“What’s wrong Bokuto-san?” Akaashi threw the lighted match into the pile of clothes and watched, the fire slowly got a grip around the bloody white clothes. He already knew, why Bokuto was mad.  But Bokuto always needed to be allowed to rage about it, else he would stock the rage up, and that would leave another mess behind to clean.

“We couldn’t get the right info, and now I have to deal with Kuroo-san.” Bokuto stood up again and began to walk out of the building, leaving behind a beat-up body and a pile of burned clothes, for the police to find. Akaashi quietly followed waiting for the rage to come. “He paid us good to find that info, and we failed! I now have to pay back the money, and probably some more for his wait. And that’s the good scenario, who knows, he might want my head on a silver plate! Damnit! We could just as well give him a free order, but that would ruin our business. This is really a bad situation!”
Bokuto did your parents never tell you not to kill people?😕

Haikyuu Mafia au: Its all for the killNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ