Part 18

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Day: 8
Time: 10.37 AM
Location: Nekoma’s hideout.

A loud ringtone cut through the air, and caught the leader assassins' attention, who put down his gun and grabbed the phone, only to frown and sigh a loud sigh. They were in the middle of training, why the fuck did he call now? He already had talked to Kuroo. More than ones. But Kuroo took the phone and made his way away from the noise of the gunfire. “What? It’s the ten thousand time you call me this week.”

“Listen this isn’t, what we planned. You killed the wrong guy!” It sounded from the other end. He had quite the courage. Contacting the mafia after being told not to. The number he had was strictly for orders, and he had been told; ‘do NOT call this number, do NOT call this number if someone is on to you, because we don’t give a shit, do NOT call this number ever again, contact us through the secured line.’ But he called anyways.

“Listen up Numajiri-san, I am only gonna say this once. You contacted me, so I could kill an old pal of yours. And that’s fine, that’s my job. What’s not my job, is gathering information about this old pal of yours. That’s your job, to give me the information I need in order to kill. But you didn’t, instead you gave me so many times the amount of payment normal people do, and I didn’t even tell you to. So, I hired someone else to find that information, they found out this kid, they killed still talked to that old pal of yours. So, they thought, he might have that information. Which is a normal thought, I would think the same. Sadly, he didn’t know shit, so we still don’t have that information. Normally I would drop this assassination but because of the payment, I don’t. Also, because then I would have lost money, since I hired someone else. I am gonna kill your pal, don’t worry, but I do it my way. You told me to do whatever to kill him, so I am. It’s too late to pull out, the damaged is done. You are stuck in the web of criminality, and you can’t come out. It’s too late. Maybe you should have thought more about it, before you contacted the mafia. This isn’t a movie, nothing here is like a movie. We don’t just run in and kill someone. There is a lot of training and work behind a kill. One thing that is like a movie. Don’t mess with the mafia. Hope that made you realize, what mess you are in.” Kuroo and the rest of the mafia lived a lot, on people thinking the mafia was like a movie and many of the people, who contacted them regretted it soon after. But at that point it was too late, and they were too afraid to turn the mafia in, in fear of the mafia coming after them.

Some muffled noises and cries were heard from the other end of the line. It finally seemed to have slipped into Numajiri’s mind, what mess he was in. How had it gone so far, what was he going? He still wanted the guy dead, but was contacting the mafia going a little too far? “I got that Nekoma-san.” He had never gotten the name of the assassins, he had only gotten the company name, if you could call it that.

“Good now stop calling me.” Kuroo was about to hang up, when he took the phone to his ear again, and softened his voice. “I don’t know what this guy did. But I hope, it’s worth it.” Kuroo heard the bib from the other end, Numajiri had hung up, but still in time to hear Kuroo’s message. He had tried so many times, where people called him telling him to stop the kill. But at that point it was too late, he wouldn’t stop a kill, unless he had almost no information.

“Who was it?” Yaku asked, as he exited the training area. Kuroo’s work phone had been ringing non-stop since yesterday. And since Kuroo said, he had recognized the number, he didn’t take it.

“The guy who hired us. He is annoyed, that Bokuto-san killed that other dude.” Kuroo answered, as he sighed. He knew, how it was. Saying "kill that guy" but regretting it. Or in some way he did. He remembered, how it was killing for the first time. He regretted it right after. He wanted to go back in time and undo it. He didn’t want blood on his hands. Looking back at it, it was the right choice. But back then, he didn’t want to be a part of anything, but he got pulled into everything. It wasn’t because of his father, he actually accepted, that Kuroo didn’t want to kill. But after someone tried to kill his dad, Kuroo was pulled into it. He had to protect himself, his dad told him, he didn’t have to become an assassin, but he had to know, how to protect himself. And he probably would have been dead, if it wasn’t for that training.

The night his dad died. He had heard rumble from outside the house, curiously he had woken up Kenma and walked downstairs with him. That was when, they so it. The fire. It spread wildly and fast. They ran around trying to find Kuroo’s dad. They found him in the fire, there was nothing they could do. Kuroo remembered, how he felt like, the world was ending. Sweat peals had ran down his forehead, both because of the heat from the fire. But also because of how nervous he was. He remembered a lump in his throat, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. The smoke clouded his sight, but he still remembered everything perfectly. He had been in shock. He just stood by and watched, his dad’s body slowly burn. It was Kenma, who had pulled him back to reality.

The people who had set the house on fire. Had turned off the fire alarms, so the fire was everywhere, but they still managed to get out of the burning house. They found the guns hid in their yard and began their walk towards the Nekoma hideout. This was all something Kuroo’s dad had told them to do, if something should happen, so they did. On the way over there though, some of the people who sat the house on fire found them. Tried to kill them. But because of the training the two of them could protect themselves, and it was only after, they got away from the killers, Kuroo realized, what he had done. He began to shake and dropped the gun. Kenma had picked it up, put it back into his hand, and forced Kuroo to look into his eyes. ‘The soul you kill, take a part of yours, but it was the right choice, because if you didn’t shoot, you would be the killed soul. It’s going to hurt for some time, until you get used to the pain. It’s not easy, but it will happen, or else the pain will eat you from the inside.’ Kenma had said that to him. It had been able to pull him back to reality and bury itself in his memory. In that moment Kenma seemed different. Over all the years they had spent together, Kuroo had totally forgotten, that Kenma already had taken a life. And suddenly he understood, why Kenma had been so closed in the beginning.

“Well yeah, I am pretty sure, the two of them were close.” Yaku said with a shrug. He just as the rest of them had a sad history. He had learned to shut emotions out, when it came to his job. He wasn’t happy about it, but it was necessary for that kind of job.
I love hurting my fav characters TvT

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