Part 4

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Astrid met me at the hotel driveway, waving at me and walking over hurriedly. I stepped out of the car and saw her eyeing Nick. As I waved bye to him, she had her eyes glued to the car as it left. I thought, here's another woman who thinks Nick is interesting.

She shyly asked me,"Who was that?"

"That's my friend Nick, I am staying with him."

"So is he an actor?, she asked.

"No, he directs for Natgeo."

"Oh wow!", she had genuine admiration in her voice.

I wondered to her whether I was late, she assured me I was well in time and showed me into the hotel lobby. She took me to a restaurant and found me a place at the table to sit.

Mark came over and sat across me and we got chatting. The food and drinks were served and the team was chattering on. I spent most of my time talking to Mark and Conrad, who was from the writers team. Mark was trying to corner me into coming to the office tomorrow for signing the contract.

I told him, "Mark I haven't;t really had an opportunity to discuss my terms and you can't possibly draw up a contract which is mutually agreeable at this time."

I heard a soft voice as a body slid beside me,"Mark, no business talk at the dinner , what did I tell you? And she is right, we still have to talk."

I looked towards the voice and saw Jared sitting beside me in a black V neck T shirt. I noticed his clothes because I had to strain my neck up to get a glimpse of his face. He was too tall. I found him smiling towards me. I acknowledged him with a smile.

Conversation seemed to stop with his coming over to the table. I fiddled with my food and sipped my drink waiting for the dinner to be over. I felt Jared's hip digging into my thigh and I found him bent close to the table talking softly with Mark.

I saw Jared's arm ripped with muscles, and I thought to myself, it's too much muscle on a man. I remember the initial days when Anurag and me were at loggerheads over the look test with Sushant and Ranveer. Sushant had to play the little brother and but Ranveer's built did not work well with their pairing, Anurag did not want to wait till we got these details in order. He wanted to replace Ranveer. He had his eyes on Siddharth, who I thought couldn't act.

I simply didn't like tall men having way too much muscle. I liked lean and fit men to look at, because they looked like they took care of themselves without any effort. Like Nick, he was 6 ft, I think and lean like an athlete. He said he had always been into athletics, running marathons when he could manage, not finding enough time to prep for them in this always full calendar. My thoughts had drifted to Nick, I smiled inwardly, or so I thought.

Jared's voice broke my thoughts,"So, you don't eat or drink much do you?"

I looked at my plate and saw why he said that, "No, I do eat, I do binge eat at times, I think I am full from the heavy lunch I had."

"Then have another drink", he signaled someone,looking at me with a questioning look.

"What is that you are having?"

"Iced tea."

His face betrayed a mild surprise and I found him staring intently at me, I suddenly noticed his liquid pond of eyes and I gulped down what felt like a sigh.

Why would I sigh! I smiled at him, "I could have a wine if something is available by the glass, red please."

The server hovering nodded and left.

Jared was still looking at me.

"You don't drink much I assume."

"No, I do, but I had a severe hangover and the jet lag got me, so, I am avoiding the alcohol."

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