Part 5

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"So, Nick and I are dating".

I swirlled the mint around in my glass to mojito and sipped some. It was hot outside but in Pooja's studio apartment it was blissfully cool.

"You have to tell me all about your time with him. I can't believe he changed his relationship status on Facebook. You put him upto it?"

"Nope Po, he did on his own. By the way I haven't changed mine. Do you think he minds?"

"Nah, Nick's way too cool man, in fact he is too cool for a gf like you."

Pooja teased me. I smiled at her sipping on the mojito and regaling her with all the fun we had in Cambodia.

Those two days in LA were the start of something mindblowing. I had just returned from our trip from Cambodia, it was a working tour for Nick but I wasn't complaining.

Watching him work was always on my bucket list. His intensity in life became more pronounced when directing the features he was famous for. This latest one would be voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch and I couldn't believe my luck that I might get to meet him in LA.

Our girl talk was interrupted by the phone vibrating on the table. It was a call from Astrid, gosh how I disliked her still. Once my conversation started with Jared it became clear Astrid was always evesdropping on conversations.

I didn't have the heart to tell Mark to get rid of her. But it would soon happen. I let the call get disconnected without picking up. I was due back in LA, in a few weeks. The contracts had been signed, ruffled feathers unruffled,

Aloukik was on a hiatus, till I finished off with first few episodes. Ron was with me so was Shelly and Po. I asked that Bhavish also join the team, he had been my favourite Assistant Director for few years now and I didn't want to lose him to the lure of Big production houses. I needed him to work with me and keep Aloukik crew on top of the game.

Jared and all of us had been on virtual team meetings a few times and it was clear that he was going to be an excellent show runner. I was happy with how the progress had happened, the initial shooting schedule for Vancouver started in a month and I was looking forward to my time with Nick.

The only thing that bothered me was in all this time, I never really apologised to Jensen. In fact we had spoken at all. His assistant handling emails, script reading calls. We were meeting up for the first time in Vancouver just before the shoot started. I had a niggling thought of despair at how he would react to me.

After a full day of girl time and belly fill of scrumptious dinner, I left Po's place. I called back Astrid, trying hard to calculate the time difference. She picked up after the third ring.

"Hello Preeti, hope I didn't catch you at a bad time!"

"No, Astrid. It's okay. Tell me what can I do for you?"

"I think you haven't checked your email?"

"No, its kinda late here so, I am not on my emails."

I hated to be so rude with her but something about her made my teeth clench everytime.

"Jensen has mailed that we always do a reading before the first episode shoot, so, we should do that. It's not there in the itinerary."

She trailed off, waiting for me to interject. I was already rolling my eyes as I walked into my apartment and stepped into the balcony for some fresh salty sea breeze.

After the delicious dinner at Po's, this wasn't what I had in mind. I breathed deeply, steadying my voice.

"Thanks for the heads-up Astrid. I will discuss this internally and revert. Is that all?"

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