Meeting her

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(I obviously don't know what anonymous looks like so you can make his appearance up in your head) you are 21 in this story

Your POV

It's been a long day, you're about to get off of your shift at your local grocery store. You hear the bell to the door ding signifying that someone just walked in.

You look up to see who it is an you see a fairly large group of people. If you were to guess their ages you'd guess about mid twenties.

They start walking throughout the store, you don't exactly see where since you're at the cash register but you can faintly hear them talking to one another. They sound like they have a faint Russian accent.

About five minutes later they approach the area where you are standing. You and two other workers are the only ones left in the store since its about to close.

You start checking out their stuff while they awkwardly stand waiting for you to finish. You finished scanning their snacks and the one that looks to be older of the group pays. As they start to walk out one of the girls stops to look back at you.

She start to walk back towards you while the others look back at her and give her a confused look.

She suddenly turns back around and starts walking back to her friends. Weird.

Time skip 1 week

My phone has been acting up recently and I don't know why, maybe I got a virus?

I just got off another shift from work, it was only a morning shift so it was around the afternoon when I got off. My phone was still glitching out. I wonder what happened to it.

After you arrive home you start making yourself lunch while the news was playing. You don't usually watch the news but with the protests going on you wanted to see how much bs the news was making up about it.

The news anchors start talking about this weird 'organization' called anonymous. Something about hackers or something.

It made you wonder if maybe that's what was going on with your phone, but then you you realize that you don't even know who they are, and even if you do you haven't done anything for them to hack your phone. Right...?

The news started talking about how they've returned and joined the protests by making a video about cop brutality.

At this point my phone has stopped glitching. I look through my Instagram feed when a text message from an unknown number pops up on my phone. It says,"hey, it's me from the grocery store"

Weird. I don't remember giving my number to anyone. I was about to text back when I hear a car pulling into my driveway. I look out the window and I see my mom.

I walk out of my house to go ask why she's home so early. She tells me that she gets off work for the next week. Great. Another thing to deal with.

Don't get me wrong I love her but spend a long period of time with anyone and it's bound to drive you crazy. I don't really want to deal with her right now so I just go to my room.

At this point I forget about the text until I go back onto my phone and see it. I decide to respond with "do I know you?" Pretty straight forward I guess.

The stranger replies with, "I'm Alex"

Ok. That's a little weird, my memory isn't the best but I can almost guarantee I've never meet someone named Alex. Especially not at work.

I just ignore her and go through my socials and text a couple friends. Time flies by and it gets late I don't have to go to sleep that early because I have a night shift and not a morning shift tomorrow.

I stay up for a few more hours and then I start to drift off to sleep completely forgetting about Alex.

New chapter coming as soon as it is written <3 J

Lesbian anonymous x female readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora