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In the morning
Your POV
You were getting out of the shower when you hear your phone ding. You quickly tie a towel around your body and you go to get your phone.

The notification is from Alex is says, " hey, what are you up to?"

You respond with "why should I tell you, I still don't know who you are, remember?"

You finish drying yourself off and put clothes on. As you walk to the kitchen you see your mom sleeping on the couch.

She sometimes watches tv till she falls asleep so you just turn the tv off and continue your way to the kitchen.

While you're making breakfast you get a text from your friend. Their working the same shift as you tonight so they just wanted to see if you were still going to be at work.

After you texted your friend back you get a notification from Alex saying that she wanted to 'get to know me'

You decide that you have nothing better to do so you tell her that you're fine with it. He starts off with the 'basics' like how old are you and stuff like that.

Time skip

It's around 5pm and your shift starts at 6:45pm. At this point you're rushing as fast as you can to finish getting dressed and ready.

You get in your car (we rich like dat 😫) and start driving to work. You clock in as usual and start your shift.

About 3 minutes later your friend finally shows up to her shift. Their always late. But hey look at the bright side, they showed up.

You're about 20 minutes into your shift when you see the girl from a week ago. You don't think much of it since it isn't unusual for customers to return weekly or even daily. The only thing that was different was that she was alone this time.

You two make brief eye contact, you quickly look away. You never noticed her eyes. For some reason you start blushing.

You just end up walking away before it got too awkward for you. Your friend comes up to you and asks if you would help stock some shelf's with them so you to can talk for a little.

You two finish stocking the shelf and you walk over to the cash register so you can make the check out line shorter.

The girl from last week immediately comes up to your register. She looks up at you and smirks (Debby who). You politely smile back and she opens her mouth to talk.

"Hi my names Alex"

"Are you the person who was texting me earlier?"


You finish checking all her stuff and she says bye and exits the store.

After work

You get out of your car and enter your house. You take a shower then get ready for bed. As you lay down you hear your phone ding from your nightstand.

You look at your phone and see a text from Alex that said, " you free tomorrow, if so we should hang out and get to know each other :)"

You smile to yourself and text back "that sounds like fun what time are you free?"

Before you can see what she replied you fall asleep.

Thank you for all the support on the first chapter <3 -J

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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