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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Mr. Jeon, how would you like it if we partnered up with the Kim Agency and profit from there?"

" Okay, you could ask them."

" Mr.Jeon, we still need a meeting for the bankruptcy of the partnership with the Parks."

" Okay, tell my assistant to schedule a free day for that."

" Mr.Jeon, what about the reconstruction for the park by Han River? Will you come to the opening?"

" Yes, I'll be there. However, make sure to close down the area so no one gets hurt."

" Mr.Jeon, how many workers are we suppose to hire? There are still dozens of people down there."

" Don't hire anyone who wants to get in desperately. The ones who are willing to do their best and make our company great, should be what our new employees should show and have. Also, make sure to atleast have 3 or 4 interviews to see and check if they're worthy enough."

" Mr. Jeon the poorer areas by the-"

" Yes, Yes, I know. I'll get to that."

Sighing, I slowly turned my head.
Rolling my shoulders, I followed my employees out of the meeting room.

Remember when I didn't bother looking at the applicants form and just pressed their user without no care at all?

I really regret it now

The company's even more busier than ever!
All morning I've been attending meetings and checking in at some interviews.
I don't know if I can take it anymore.

" Mr. Jeon we just got a message from the other company. Your father wants to see you."

Nodding, I gave a breathy groan.

" Have my car ready. I'll be there in a sec. I have to use the bathroom real quick."

Seeing them nod, I waved goodbye as the 4 employees continued walking down the hallway.


Walking out of the bathroom, I made my way towards the red carpeted hallway.

I needed that 'quick' break.

Everything and everyone is getting on my nerves and honestly, I just want to get out and have a break from everything.
Right now, all I needed was a vocation, cause I swear I'll die early from stress.

I envy my friends because they can do whatever they want and be who they wanted to be.
They can go out freely without having someone stalking or following you.
Before I became a CEO, I was just a normal boy in his 20's enjoying life, not caring what others said or thought.

I was able to travel and go anywhere on my own, but now I barely have time to do so.
People my age are married and have children but here I am the, "opposite"

Yes, money can be cool but it can't do me much.
I have mostly everything a man dreams to have and need.
Scratch that, not everything.

" Mr.Jeon, where have you been? Your suppose to visit your father but after being gone for 1 hour, I called and said you will arrive later since your busy. So sir, please follow me, you have another interview to see."

Clutching my heart, I tried to calm down at the fact my assistant came out of nowhere, scaring every bits of hair on my head.

Scratching my neck, I slowly groaned.

" Ummmmmm, I think I ate too much ramen this morning. I have to use the bathroom again, sorry~"

Smiling awkwardly, I dashed passed my assistant and down the hallway.

" Mr.Jeon! The bathrooms the other way!"

Running, I looked behind me only to see my assistant rushing after me.
Fasting my phase, I ran to the right and went towards the nearest room and opening the door quiet harshly.

Sighing, I placed my ear on the cold, smooth, black painted door.

Hearing nothing but, the sound of heavy footsteps slowly fade in the distance, I sighed in relief.

Suddenly a loud, yet soft cry echoed through my ears.

" Shit"

Sorry for the short update.
I'm trying to write down and process what's going to happen and how to fix my drafts grammar mistakes.

If you see any on this one please comment and help author 😅

I've been really busy lately and so, I might not update for awhile but please bare with me.

Thank you~


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