(Ch.3) Andy, You're A Star

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~~~~~Tyler's POV~~~~~

 "You're telling me I have to work with that douche? Never!" I spit at my boss, disgusted.

 "You will not speak to me in that tone, Mr. Joseph. You may as well be signing your own resignation letter." He replies with his usual shitty, sarcastic attitude.

 I turn the other way and let out a groan, "Oh, believe me, Dick, I'd like to be..." I say under my breath.

 "What was that, Mr. Joseph?"

 "Nothing, sir." I sigh in exasperation, praying for a way out of this fucked up partnership he's got me in.

 As he starts to walk away, I feel a deep anger burning in my chest, and I'm compelled to punch him in his cold sore infested mouth, but I don't. Instead, I turn around and look him right in the eye. "Mr. Hinson," I state, firmly, "I am not working with Josh Dun."

 "Oh, but you are, Mr. Joseph. That is, if you want to keep your job." he sneers.

 When he's finally left my cubicle, I don't hesitate to bang my head against my desk. Repeatedly. What the fuck is his issue? Does somebody piss in his cornflakes... you know... like every morning? Or am I just that one guy he finds amusement in pissing off 24/7? ...Whatever, I don't have time to wonder about such things. I already have about a million and one things to do, thanks to Richard Hinson, the modern day slave-driver. 

 Just as I'm beginning to fantasize about the numerous ways a man, or possibly even a pretentious asshole of a boss, could die from his necktie being tied too tight, Andrew Walker decides to drop by to give me my weekly load of paperwork assigned by Dick himself. Thrilling.

 Andy's just as much of a fucking kiss-up as the next; He's been employee of the month for just about as long as anyone can remember. Always on time for work, always buying Dick some kind of chocolates... I'd be surprised if they didn't end up adopting children together. He's like the teacher's pet in school that nobody ever liked, except for the fact that Dick's not even kind to his workers. Atleast some teacher's pets were pets for a reasonably friendly teacher, but this guy just kisses the ass of a sadistic heathen on a regular basis. I could never rationalize it in my mind, but hey, it's his obnoxious life. Let him live it.

 "Well, here's your schedule for the week, Mr. Joseph." He smiles, placing the intimidating stack of papers onto my desk, his disturbingly cheery presence making me sick to my stomach. 

 "Thanks, Andy." I mumble. Like I said, his overly optimistic attitude is revolting to me, especially on Monday mornings, but I can't deny he's one charming dude. I just can't bring myself to be mean to him.

 "Are you feeling alright?" he inquires, raising an eyebrow at me.

 I run my fingers through my hair as I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes briefly and letting out a long sigh. "Oh, I'm grand." I bluff, rolling my eyes at my own sarcasm.

 "Would you like to talk about it?" 

 "Can't. I've got shit to do."

 "Well, Tyler... if you ever need somebody to talk to, just know I'm you're man." he replies with a clearly feigned look of concern.

 "Sure." I laugh at his blatantly bullshit response. He doesn't notice how much he irritates me and trots his little ass off as usual. The things I have to deal with on a daily basis... It's astounding.

 I can't bring myself to accept the fact that I have to work with Josh Dun starting Monday next week. I've wanted nothing to do with him since the very day we met-- I don't need another problem in my life. I'd much rather we stay apart and not have to associate with one another, but it seems as though theres nothing that can be done. Josh Dun is now my work partner and I don't have a say in it. At all. 

 This is horrifying.



Happy about the few reads & votes, even though it's small I do appreciate it. I'd ask if you guys like it to leave comments and suggestions because I'd really appreciate some feedback, Thank you all!(:

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