(Ch.4) Holiday Cheer

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~~~~~Josh's POV~~~~~


 Hello, again...

 I asked Dick about changing work partners this week, but apparently he wants to be stubborn and keep us together. I'm not exactly sure why he thinks this will lead to any good, but it's out of my hands. I'm not even angry anymore. Just purely exhausted.

 If he wants to shove us into a project together, that's his deal. I'll be more than willing to cooperate with Tyler just as long as he watches himself (Unfortunately, that is highly unlikely).

I have no more fight left in me to butt heads with Mr. Hinson--  I'll just have to stock up on vodka for when I come home every afternoon.

 Anyhow, moving on to less nauseating subjects; those auditions I was talking about in my last entry are being held in my garage on the 27th next week. I know, fancy right? I figured it would be easier to just clean up a little bit and have them down there. I made some posters and put them around town to spread the word. It's a bit strange having them just after Christmas, but I figured now's as good of a time as ever.  

 I'm still not really sure having a band will do much good at this point, but you know how it is. You have to try things to see what will result.

 Christmas preparations are going okay, I've really not that much to do... Just set up the Christmas tree and some other little festive shits around the house, make some Christmas cookies, whatever. I've already bought the presents for my family in advance, so thankfully that's not something I have to be concerned about. 

 See, everything is going just fine; Everything besides work. I have projects due here, there and everywhere and it's fucking up my mojo. There's also the fact that Tyler will probably end up being a dick the whole time we're working together... It's just anxiety inducing. I hope I'll be over this God damned mountain that I'm climbing soon, 'cause I'm getting real sick of it all.

 Tyler and I haven't spoken since we were both informed, seperately, that we'd be working together, so I can't help but ponder his response when he found out. Probably disgusted. But atleast that's one thing we have in common; complete detestation for eachother.

Maybe we can work with that. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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