Chapter: 4

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The couple just moved on to high school. They had been dating for 2 years now. She knows that it won't last forever, but she had become comfortable with Jack. However, she began cutting again because things have gotten worse between her parents.

Haleigh never wants to go home because they are always fighting. So she stays with Jack most of the time. She thinks that he is the man that she will marry, and have children with. The last night that she stayed at Jacks house they went out on a date. "Hey baby?" he said

"Yes?" said Haliegh.

"Do you think that I love you?" he asked.

"Of course I think you love me. We've been together for 2 years now." she said.

"Can we have sex?" he asked.

"I'm not ready yet Jack." she said firmly

"I have to go, let me drop you off." he said.

When she arrived home she found her mom on the floor with a black eye, and her dad sleeping on the couch drunk. She took her mom upstairs and got her cleaned off and sent her to bed.

Haleigh got ready for bed and as she was about to fall asleep she got a text from Jack saying that they need to break up. This broke her heart, and she didn't sleep for 5 days straight. She passed out from exhaustion in class and got suspended. Which meant they she had to be at home all day to listen to the fighting. 

On they first day, she slept most of the time. On the second day she didn't move, and cried herself to sleep. She cut herself so deep that she almost died. She was immediately taken to the hospital, and she was grounded for 2 weeks. 

The Story of Haliegh RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now