Colby's leaked nudes!! 😱

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Now that you're here, let's have a chat.

You are being fed lies. Parents, teachers, textbooks, the government, and media have been trying to conform people to their beliefs since birth. School taught us about all the amazing things white people have done for America and brush over the bad. We were also taught that yes slavery happened and it is wrong, but has a conversation ever been held in a classroom about how slavery ended but prejudice has not? What about all the amazing black people and what they have done?

Sure we hear about MLK and Rosa Parks, but that is because they were chosen to appeal more towards white people. In fact Claudette Colvin, a 15 year old girl, displayed this action before Rosa. She was a teenager, got pregnant out of wedlock, had dark skin, and had "black stereotypical hair." For these reasons Claudette was not chosen to be the face of a movement, instead it was Rosa who is a lighter skin tone and more appealing to the white folk.

Even then the movements were justified to make the whites feel more comfortable and safe. When has black people ever felt either of those things?

Now take a look at the PEACEFUL PROTESTS. The media is displaying an image of chaos and violence, but what they are not showing you is that all the protests have started peaceful until cops have shot without warning. They've shot rubber bullets, tear gas (which is banned from war but apparently not peaceful civilians), and have had no problem using these against black people, black supporters, and kids. Fucking kids. Now if you don't see a problem with that, set down your melatonin pens and wake the fuck up.

The media says that protesters are rioting, when instead they should be saying rioters are taking advantage of protests. Protesters actually are stopping the looters and vandalism. They are essentially doing the police's job for free, while the same police throw tear gas at them.

But since the media will spin it whatever way they want to, the focus is on riots and now people are mad because things are getting broken and burned down. Newsflash though, if you are more focused on the looting then the killing then YOU ARE APART OF THE PROBLEM.

I don't like violence or looting, but I am also white and have never had to worry for my life. I have never had to watch someone I know and love die at the hands of a cop on camera. For this, I have no say over the matter because I know damn well if someone MURDERED my family member, I would be burning shit too.

And if this one act can discredit a whole movement, honey... one bad cop can do the same.

But it's never just one bad cop, is it? No, it's the people who also stand by and do nothing, say nothing, and let shit happen.

Also, what about the undercover cops and white supremacists using the movement to make blacks look bad? Oh did you not know? Well, let me tell you.

Cops have dressed in plain clothes pretending to be apart of the protests but instead steal supplies, like water, and drive away through crowds of people. Yes I said through and not around. They also have cause property damage and blamed it on the protesters or in their words "the rioters." Same thing with white supremacists. They even go as far as make fake posts and tags that make it look like black people are threatening white people. Oh! And they also set up fake protests in order to get black and black supporters in one area, so they can jump them.

And you want to tell me that George Floyd is looking down thinking 'what a great day'? Yes. What a great day for him, since you know he was murdered and all.

What the people across America and the whole world are doing is fucking beautiful. This is no longer a couple protests, it's a fucking revolution and it's time to be proud and demand change.

America prides itself on its revolutions, like the Boston Tea Party. In this instance a minority group wanted to break away from their oppressors, The British. Sound Familiar?

Change is coming and it's long overdue.

This doesn't end here, next we fight for the LGBTQ+, for the muslims, indigenous people, we fight for everyone. So if you're tired of it now, grab another shot of espresso because it's just the beginning.

He may not be able to breathe, but we can and we will for him.

Hear our voices.

This is not my America.
Not until it is everyone's america.

- Lindsey

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