Betrothed and Bickering

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If you think that after the announcement of being betrothed Arthit and Kongpob would be civil to each other and try to work things between them, then you're definitely wrong.

They fought, literally always. Their fights wasn't physical but it was mostly verbal. They made rude remarks at each other were on each other's nerves every time they came across each other.

The product launch party turned into engagement party. It was three in the morning when Kongpob's parents forced him to drop off Arthit to his condo. Silence filled in the car, neither of them said nothing until they reached the destination. Arthit lived in a single room apartment in the centre of the city. The neighbourhood was quiet and he could always avoid the paparazzi. Kongpob watched as Arthit walked out of the car and was climbing up the steps when he dashed behind him.

Kongpob pulled back Arthit by a strong grip on his arms ignoring the sharp yelp the man let out. "Move out of the house." Kongpob demanded his arms folded as he looked at Arthit.

Arthit was confused. "What do you mean?" He was tired. It was an eventful day, he wanted to surrender on his bed and not wake up until the next evening.

"You can't be seriously living in a house like this if you're engaged to me." Kongpob buttered.

"What's wrong with the house?" Arthit genuinely asked.

Kongpob laughed mockingly. "You cannot be serious right now. You're engaged to me, you'll be a part of Suthilucks and you're telling me this will be the image you'll project when they dig things about you? You'll show them you're living in a dingy house like this?" His face marked with disgust.

"Enough. Not everyone is born with a golden spoon like you. Get out. " Arthit muttered. He had enough, he turned around and climbed the remaining steps never once he turned back to look at the seething man.

Kongpob left no stone un-turned when he made rude remarks on Arthit. Either it would be on his social status or it'll be at how annoying he is. Arthit's remarks would usually be counter remarks and if he began it would be at how immature and snobbish Kongpob is. He often commented that Kongpob might be adopted because there was no way a demon might be born to an angelic couple. Kongpob huffed furiously and they would continue their bickering back and forth.

Picking out engagement and wedding rings with Sunny Suthiluck was no different. She was busy choosing random rings in the display in front of her that she failed to notice her son and his soon to be fiancé murdering each other with fire filled glances. Arthit wanted a simple silver ring whereas Kongpob settled for gold. Why? Because he simply wanted to contradict Arthit's choices.

Sunny heard all the arguments and chose a simple silver ring which had been gold plated. This effectively shut both the men. Trial runs were made before all the three made out of the shop.

Kongpob handed over the keys to valet and Arthit decided to call his manger to pick him, Sunny intervened. She glanced at both of them Cheshire smile on her face. Kongpob gulped, he knew that look. He was about to reject her advances but when she turned to Arthit he could only watch.

"What's the hurry? It's still early in the evening. Night is young. Kong honey, why don't you take Arthit to your friends and introduce him?"

Kongpob smiled at the suggestion. It would help him get back at Arthit. So he agreed, Arthit watched confused. Of course he fake smiled in front of Mrs. Suthiluck but he was hoping for a good best rest as his eyes hurt from the continuous flashes of camera he worked with since morning. Sunny called up a driver and left them and Kongpob made way to the car.

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