Guardian angel

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WARNING: This idea is not mine! The rightful owner is TaekookDNA. Also, I changed a few things, Jungkook gets a ticket, not a poster, I hope that's okay. I also added a few extra things.

Jungkooks POV

My life was black and white, I longed for colour, craved it, but it never came, I never met my soulmate.

Soulmates were meant to be connected from birth. One soul being torn down the middle and placed into two different bodies and for your entire life, leading until your 18, the half of that soul you have so desperately wants to be a whole again, hence the term 'other half'

And once you get so much as a glance at your soulmate for the first time, even if it's for less than a second, your whole world explodes with colour. Reds, blues, greens, painting each and every object that once seemed so dull and plain but we're now endless rainbows of not only light but love. You felt complete, you felt whole.

Or at least, that's what was supposed to happen, I wouldn't know since I've never seen my other half before, and I have just turned 22, far too old to even have anymore hope.

But that's the thing, I do have hope, why? Well, before my parents left, my mother gifted me her old journal.

The book was small and made out of leather, which had softened through time, the paint had faded and the clasp that was previously used to hold the thick papers together had snapped, rendering the diary almost useless


The only reason I kept this book close to my heart and reach at all times was because of what my mother filled the aged pages with.

Stories, real stories. exaggerated, yes, but they told her life, her life that seemed so similar to mine. My mother would also jot down her dreams, and sometimes, I had trouble telling the real occurrences and the fantasies her brain would conjure up late at night, apart.

the diary was filled with tales about fairy godmothers, evil wizards, mischievous fairies and guardian angels, of course, none of them were real, but they were so captivating, I sometimes found myself reading, and re-reading them.

But one story had always stuck out to me, the story of how my mother met her soulmate, my father.

Apparently, her world was also black and white and she 'wasn't an idiot' and didn't believe in such 'foolery', "I mean, how can your destiny already be written, how can your soul be so old that time has decided to bind it with someone who you have never met before" Is the first line of that entry, but lo and behold, once she had met my father, all her worries washed away.

She felt colour, she felt light, she felt love, she felt whole.


So now I've been waiting for my soulmate. obviously, I know the person of my dreams isn't just going to burst into my room and drag me off to get married, of course not. I had to leave the house, but where would I go? Where does one typically meet their other half?

My parents had met at a science exhibition, but there was no way I was going near anything like that. Most people meet at school since the normal age to meet is 18, but I've graduated. "it's useless" I sighed

I shift around In bed to get into a more comfortable position, sitting upright while my fingers brush against the once sharp, now blunt, edges of the journal. The old book also held the adventures my mother and father went on, they weren't your usual couple, they didn't settle for normal jobs, no, they were hikers, and they had a ton of great times together.

Guardian angel (Taekook au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant