Cave Date

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"Why are you off in such a hurry?"

Mina turns around to see Jihyo eying her suspiciously. Mina smiles nervously, "What do you mean?" Jihyo points at her feet and Mina didn't notice that she ran out without wearing any slippers. She smiles nervously and walks back to the cabin as Jihyo asks, "Where are you going?"

Mina smiles, "Just going to swim." Jihyo adds, "Can I come with you?" Mina's smile disappears as she stutters, "W-what? A-aren't you busy?" Jihyo stretches her arms as she groans, "Nope. Jungkook owes me one so I had him do all the work." Mina smiles weakly, "S-sure." Jihyo smiles, "Great! It's been a while since we hung out! I'm excited."

Mina turns away to hide her frown as she replies, "Me too..."


Namjoon says firmly, "I'm coming with you." Taehyung stutters, "W-what? His face twitches as he tries to keep a smile. Namjoon stretches his arms as he says, "I've been stressed out lately and you owe me one after what you did. I still don't fully trust you but a good and intense hunt should fix all of that."

Taehyung internally frowns as the hunt was just an excuse to wander off by himself. He says, "S-sure." Namjoon smiles brightly, "Finally, we get some alone time. We only talk to each other about business. I think you forget that I'm a fun guy. I'm excited"

Taehyung turns as he frowns, "Me too..."



Mina glances as Jihyo jumps off a thick tree branch which stands several feet tall onto the lake. She giggles as Jihyo suddenly submerges then comes back out catching her breath. Jihyo yells, "MINA! DID YOU SEE ME! DID YOU SEE ME!" Mina's gummy smile comes out at her cute sister as Jihyo swims towards her.

Jihyo says proudly, "I TOLD YOU I CAN DO IT! NOT ONLY YOU AND JUNGKOOK CAN JUMP THE TREE! I CAN DO IT TOO!" Mina's smile grows brighter as Jihyo continues to brag about the jump. She likes the change in her older sister. Jihyo usually speaks to her only when the clan is concerned or when she needs something so this is a big change.

Mina seems to forget that Jihyo's not only the clan advisor but also her older sister. She then starts to imagine a world where Jihyo wouldn't stress about their family, where she doesn't stress about a rival clan or external conflicts.

A world where she could meet with Taehyung without having to lie.

A sudden splash of water breaks Mina out of her thoughts and she turns to Jihyo giggling like a kid. Jihyo has that bright smile as Mina looks at her with a competitive look. She then jumps in and starts chasing the smaller and older sister.

Once the two tire out, they lie near the lake with their calves submerged in the water. Jihyo speaks up, "Mina, remember when I found those letters you sent to that boy?" Mina nods carefully. Jihyo says, "I know that day I sounded mad and mean but when I read all of the letters-" Mina blushes, "Y-you read all of them?"

Jihyo nods and says, "I kind of felt happy inside. I mean, besides him being part of the Tiga clan, he didn't seem like a bad man. I felt so happy thinking that you found someone you wanted to settle with." Mina stays quiet and Jihyo says, "I know I look serious all the time and I always speak of them badly but..."

Mina turns to Jihyo, "I want to make peace with them."

Mina freezes as Jihyo says, "This war is hurting both of us and logically speaking, peace is the best solution. It's just... everyone is so used to hating them and it's hard to sway their opinions after all that happened. I just hope...

We can be at peace."


Namjoon and Taehyung hide behind a bush as they've been stalking a mountain elk for a while. They hiked up to the mountainous region of the forest for the massive hunt. The almost 5 feet tall and 500 pound elk casually grazes the land. It's rare to find one of these near the forest so this is an ideal situation.

Namjoon hands Taehyung the knife and the younger looks at him confused. Namjoon shows Taehyung the reinforced rope and the massive bola. Taehyung grabs the bola quietly as Namjoon moves away to a position.

They've done this a lot when they were younger. When their father was chief, Jin, Namjoon, and Taehyung would hunt in the forest for fun. Taehyung would throw the bola which causes the elk to stumble for a bit but given its size, the small weapon wouldn't hold it for long.

While it's immobile, Jin would usually lasso the horns of the elk and use a tree for help in holding it back. Taehyung would help his brother hold the rope while Namjoon would quickly stab the animal in its heart for a clean kill.

But Jin isn't with them, so they have to improvise. Namjoon settled himself between two trees while Taehyung used all his strength to throw the bola to capture the elk. The elk groans and without hesitation, Namjoon throws the lasso to capture its horn. Before the elk could run, he ties the rope to the two trees.

The elk is suddenly trapped as Taehyung neared it to deal the final blow.

Once it lied dead on the ground, Taehyung quickly runs to the older and jumps onto him.

Namjoon falls the ground with Taehyung wrestling on top of him. Taehyung yells, "WE DID IT!"

Namjoon laughs as he says, "I TOLD YOU IT'LL WORK! WE DIDN'T NEED JIN!" The two then stand and jump in circles as they just caught a huge kill for the clan. Namjoon puts Taehyung in a head lock as he cheers, "That was great, Tae. We should do this more often."

Taehyung stares at Namjoon as they carry the elk to the camp. This is how it feels to live a peaceful life. Where Namjoon doesn't stress himself dealing with the clan's problems. Where they can hunt through the lands without fear of landing in enemy territory. Where he doesn't have to lie to meet with Mina.

As the two carry the elk, Namjoon says, "Tae."

He hums and Namjoon says, "I-I'm sorry about what I did a few months ago."

Taehyung raises an eyebrow and Namjoon says, "I didn't mean to blow up on you that day. I didn't mean to rip that letter she sent. I was just... frustrated because you didn't tell me about her and we lost land because of it."

Taehyung stays quiet as he says, "You know me, I'm not stupid. I know that they aren't all bad people but I have to warn you. There are bad people hiding within our clan and theirs. People who hold grudges against the other clan. People who would hold nothing back once they see a person of the opposite clan. I just want to protect you and... the Pengu princess."

Taehyung whispers, "I understand, Joonie." Namjoon smiles, "So I hope you're not mad at me for doing what I did." Taehyung responds, "I can never be mad at you and honestly, I thought you were mad at me." Namjoon chuckles, "Why would I be mad? You're the one who lost a girl and a cabin."

Taehyung pouts, "Okay, I get it."


The two quickly run to the cave in a hurry thinking the other has been waiting for them. It's near midnight so no one suspected their disappearance.

The meet each other at the same time and quickly embrace in a hug.

They say simultaneously.



Mina and Taehyung then back up and stare at each others in the eyes in confusion. Taehyung asks, "You weren't waiting here for hours?" She shakes her head as she asks the same question and gets the same reply.

The two then fall on the bed limp as they're tired. They were either swimming or hunting all day only to run with all their strength to the cave. Mina chuckles, "We were supposed to have a date today." Taehyung nods his head as he says, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Mina shrugs his shoulder and he chuckles, "I don't know too." She then turns to her side and Taehyung does too so they could make eye contact. Taehyung asks, "Do you just want to cuddle and see what tomorrow brings?" She nods as they close the distance between them.

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