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Jihyo never left Mina's side. She sat by her sister holding her hand throughout night and day.

Jungkook spent his time with her during the night but as the day rose, he ready his warriors with weapons and plans on attacking the enemy clan.

Jimin never showed up to the cave again because they had to place guards there in case there were any Tiga invaders.

Taehyung on the other hand was devastated. He was left outside tied to a pole in the middle of their camp. Jimin would show up with food and water every night but he refused to take anything.

The day after they found Mina, Jungkook questioned Taehyung in the middle of the camp with an audience around him. Jungkook stared at the restrained Taehyung as he continues to look down.

Jungkook says, "Why'd you do it?" Jungkook crouches down to his level and whispers so only Taehyung could hear, "Why did you save her life when she was at the brink of death only to nearly kill her?"

Taehyung whispers back, "I-It wasn't me." Jungkook lets out an amused laugh then kicks Taehyung straight in the face. The crowd around him cheers as Taehyung's lip starts to bleed. Jungkook says, "Your head is mine once Mina wakes up and proves your crime."

Taehyung stays quiet as Jungkook leaves unable to stand the look of his face. The crowd around him starts to throw small pebbles or blocks of wood as Taehyung stays quiet taking all of them.

Once the crowd dissipates, he whispers, "It's all my fault... I should've been there quicker. I should've stopped the three men. I should've kept them there until Jungkook and Jimin showed up. I should've killed them on the spot."

Jimin suddenly asks, "Then why didn't you?"

Taehyung whispers back with no eye contact, "I-I couldn't move. Not with Mina in pain... not when it's my fault."

Jimin sighs, "It's not your fault. I can't keep you company because someone will see me but..."

Taehyung struggles to pick up his head but he does it enough to make eye contact. Jimin says, "Mina's fine. We're just waiting her to wake up but she's gone through the worst. So now we have to get you through the worst."

Taehyung smiles softly as Jimin says, "Hold off for one day, tell me what the three men look like and I'll kill them and clear your name. Jungkook is pretty intense but he's fair. He'll understand once we find those three men."


"They kidnapped Taehyung?"

The man with a scar nods as Namjoon looks at him pissed off. He asks the man, "How?" The man with a scar says sounding sad, "We were walking around patrolling when a group of Pengu men came out of a cave and took him!" Namjoon clenches his fists, "Prepare the men."

A few days later...

Jungkook walks to the border fully armored with a sword in his hand and a bow ready on his back.

Jin stands opposite him with two machetes and a sling in his pocket.

Jin says, "Give our brother back."

Jungkook replies, "Old man, he has to pay for his crimes." Jin chuckles, "Crimes? You must be mistaken, he's not a criminal." Jungkook extends his sword so the edge is pointing to his nose, "I'll have his head by the end of this day. If you want to donate yours, I'd gladly have your head."

Jin smirks and says, "Over my dead body, you seagull!" Jungkook looks at him weirdly as Jin laughs, "DID YOU HEAR THAT! I CAME UP WITH THAT COMEBACK MYSELF!" All the soldiers look at him with a confused look.

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