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Hi I'm Pearl people say my life is perfect just by looking at me but it's not my home back in North Carolina it felt a war one I couldn't get out of the more my parents fight the more I got depressed I had to wait until Sardonxy graduated college to move but went she left it got worse they started to take there anger out on us more on my sister Blair my dad was so angry her threw a glass bottle at her she had to get surgery but until this day she always has her bang down when we're in public my parents also thought my other sister Winter was a mistake because she half blind she was the first to come out that she's gay my parents went crazy they locked her in the basement for a week with no food she almost staved and then that leaves me their  little "angel" I always hate my parents they thought I was the "golden child" that I was "perfect" that never make mistakes they I was the only one of my siblings that was gay will I was they forced me to date a boy I think he's name William he was so clanging everyday I would get a text from he saying how much he loved me and when I didn't answer he would come over to my house and confirm my parents that I was talk someone else they delete everyone in my contacts except from them and William I was so tried that when I downloaded an app call Pin-pal I got on and I meet someone named Sapphire she is super nice I talked her nigh after I know  when William is sleeping she kept me going and help me with depression. When Sardonxy was about to come home I broke up with William the day before he come to my house and told my parents they locked me up in my room that week till Sardonxy come home a day early I screamed my lungs out she run upstairs and kick the door open I told her every about the abuse and the forced relationship she decided then and there we had to move a week later we're on they the road to Beach City because Sardonxy had a girlfriend that lived there.

But yeah that's my life it mess up every time when someone's "she is perfect" I would only think 'If you only knew' so yeah my life is a great big flaw but I'm happy know

(How that for a first chapter
So I sign out of my other account if you want to read that story the name was High school days(Pearlmethyst) and trust me you will cringe like what was I thinking but for know bye)

High school Days "Pearlmethyst human au"Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt