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In the last part I have discussed about today's generation with few examples means I have discussed that what is the scene today in the roads. So this part will bring up how today's generation is ruining humanity.
                          Often in televisions or in news paper we are reading about the terrorist attacks. Regarding that I want to tell that that is also a lack of humanity because humanity teaches us to help people not to kill them. The corruptions that is going on in the world that drains humanity, the leaders of this corruption they are inhumans and they are making others inhuman by Injeting poison inside them framed as words, they are manipulating people to become inhuman because humanity teaches us to help people and not to rob them or not to use them for our profit. Our world has both a set of good politicians and a set of bad one, the bad ones are turning their followers bad, they are teaching them corruption. Those politicians not only run the economy of the world by having luxury in on the money of the common people but also they spoil humanity. Now if we come to the medical field we often find doctors keeping dead patients in the hospital just for money, they don't see who is rich or who is poor what they need is money and if people fail to pay the take actions against them. Yes this drains humanity because humanity teaches us helping people and not ruin them. Now if we enter the section of promoters and industrialists they throw poor people out from their houses just to construct apartments, for once they don't think about hose helpless poor. Now you can say that now a days promoters provide shelter to them but they do that for show off. Yes this is the scene today, humanity teaches helping people and not making them homeless.
         I'm sorry to say but now very few people of this world deserves the title of human.

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