I - First Move

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"I'm Alive and that's enough.i need to preserve my energy if I'm going to get out of this Hole alive" he said to himself, expecting to give him some determination to just hold on to hope a bit longer,and that it gave.
A day has passed but Naegi is still determined to hold on to hope,until...
A large Trash bag fell down,Naegi walked towards it and he saw Maizono trying to get out of the bag in which her head was stuck in.
"Naegi-Kun!"She whined,The sound of her pathetic voice made him scoff
"Get me out of here! it's so dark!"she was panicking and it was cute,Naegi walks closer to her and bent down,he made her sat straight so that it'll be faster to remove the bag
"Here,don't move"He placed his hand on her chest not knowing that it was her chest,he then grabbed the bag and pulled it upwards,he threw the bag aside,it had things inside it and took a look at Maizono who was crying
"Naegi-kun!!!"she cried and jumped to Naegi,hugging him,because of the sudden force,he lost balance and fell down along with Maizono.

She then stopped crying and removed the traces of tears on her face by rubbing it on her Hand

She stood up"are you alright Naegi-kun?"

"I'm fine,I should be the one asking that"Naegi said while standing up


"Well,I'm not the one who fell down inside a large,deep trash bin"he said,teasing Maizono who was wandering around,searching for the bag she was inside
"I can see you're still in good shape"she replied while picking up the bag and taking something out of it,a bottle of water
She walked towards Naegi handing him the bottle of water "Drink up,you're going to need it"
Naegi nodded and took the bottle of water and drank it in less than a minute,he is hungry and thirsty he's just keeping it in
"Here"she handed him another bottle of water and a pouch of rice crackers
He took it "Thanks".

A few minutes later...

"How can you get us out of here"he asked,wondering why would she even go down here
Maizono Sayaka,the Popular idol in a frickin' trash disposal pit?

She took out the key that Kirigiri stole from Monokuma
"She's waiting for us up top"she smiled and then she walked towards the door that Naegi tried to open but failed,she inserted the key but she stopped
"Umm....Maizono-San?" Naegi was waiting but she just stood there on the door,her hand holding the key,she took a turn and dropped her grip of the key
She took steps slowly to Naegi who was just behind her
"M-Maizono-San?"he hesitantly asked and took a few steps backwards
"I-I..."she stuttered while facing the floor and walking steps to Naegi who was backing up

Maizono cornered Naegi and put her hands on the wall beside His head to prevent him from escaping,her movements seems to be desperate to Naegi


"Sayaka!" She cut him,angrily and made direct eye contact with Naegi who blushed into deep red with only inches away from each other's faces,he turned away trying not to look at the Cute face

He looked at her and tried again"Maiz-"

She quickly planted her lips into Naegi's

She was being assertive

He shoved her back,easily so that she wouldn't be hurt

"W-w-why?!?!"he asked,so surprised,he was because she got him off guard,his face is still deep red

"I-im sorry Naegi-kun,I'm so sorry....I just can't take it anymore and I-"before she could say anything more he hugged her as tight as he could, for he too could somehow understand her,she wrapped her hands around Naegi and she looked at Naegi,that was also looking at her,there was eye contact.

"Now then let's just get outta here"he calmly said to Maizono,she nodded

They walked to the door and Naegi opened it with the key,he saw a long,metal ladder that leads up top

"How could I?..."he thought leaving a face that has a half smile, Maizono didn't mind instead she just climbed up
"Come on Naegi-kun I'm not gonna wait for you"she said as she climbs up the ladder

Naegi slapped himself and climbed up

. . . .

When they reached the end of the ladder, Maizono opened the trapdoor and climbed out,when she got out She offered Naegi a Hand,in which he took,they were in the trash room(crap I don't remember if this is what it's called,くめなさい!)
"Took you longer than I expected"A female voice said that startled Naegi,he looked around the Room and saw Kirigiri leaning on a wall

She stood straight and walked towards the exit "Come on,you two we still got a Murder to solve"

Kirigiri walked out the room without the others,but she waited on the door to the room where they'll confront Monokuma
Her brows frowned and she slammed her hand on the door
"Why?"she asked, hollowly

"W-What is this feeling?!"

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