X - Nightshift

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A Male 14 year old sat in a room with multiple camera monitors in front of him and a desk to control them. Raising his feet up to the desk, he yawned. Turning his head left to look at a analog clock that reads 2:46 AM , he stood up and grabbed a mug on a table behind him and makes his way to the Employee's Lounge where he'll made coffee for himself. Discovering that all the hot water were used, he made some. Waiting for it to finish, he thought of getting a shower, a cold one.

Coming in his dorm, he went straight for the bath and took a shower. His lean build, that may (or may not) be sculpted by the gods, has many scars littered around it. coupled with his feminine looks you will have one word to describe him. Hot. Adding his midnight blue hair, that framed the sides of his face, with his black eyes, he'll look like a fucking model. Except that wasn't his speciality.

His is Security.

"Being an orphan you have to live up for yourself" is what other orphans thought and lived by that thought but not him he spent his short life guarding anyone for money that he became so good at it. His first client was a Yakuza leader who taught him to hold a gun and take the life of someone without remorse, next was a drug Lord in Mexico  who taught him how to manipulate people to his needs, and the last one was the American president who taught him leadership and responsibility.

Each and every single one of his clients taught him something useful in the long run and that made him who he is today.

Tatashi Anshin,14, Head of Security at Hope's peak. Born in Tokyo, May 22nd of 2005 [ the story's setting is in 2019 ] , Mother: Raped And Killed, Deceased. Father: Killed, Deceased.

Talents: Ultimate Security.

Relationship: Migoto Chishiki, Supposed lover.

- - - H - O - P - E - - -

(I forgot her character details so this is an update on hers)

Long red hair scattered on a table, two pale and slim arms lay near the head of said hair.a sound that can only be classified as a snore was coming out of it. This was Migoto Chishiki, The ultimate Teacher, while she may be the ultimate teacher, not like the ultimate maid who teaches 77th, she needs sleep, she still is human after all.

She was born on a leisure life of a high class family, her father has family business on the Providences of japan that do farming. She was bound to inherit it one day. So her parents molded her into a perfect heiress, in which they failed greatly, she still goes to middle school but cause of her unique features such as her eyes. One is blue and one is violet. She isn't affected by insults and childish names. For her, there all pathetic. So she just stayed home and read the whole library of their compound, not a bad idea by the way, she hoped to hit two birds with one stone. Making her parents proud and satisfying her hunger for knowledge. Her hunger for knowledge is what made her different in the first place, she enjoyed learning and learning and learning. She became a prodigy, academically.
She got her PhD when she was 16.
Her hunger for knowledge gradually became her Hunger to teach others. She liked it, teaching others. For years she continued, until she reached ultimate Teacher.

She jolted awake when she heard her ringtone play on her jacket  pocket. Quickly taking it out to stop the ringtone, she looked at her surroundings, shit she fell asleep on the teacher lounge again. She took a glance of the phone in her hand as it says 2:54 on the lockscreen.
With a sigh she plopped down on the table in front of her and fell asleep. Again. Much to the amusement of a security guard who was looking at her through a camera.

Migoto Chishiki,20, Teacher at Hope's Peak, born in Osaka, October 4 1999, Mother: Mikoto Chishiki, alive.
Father: Tenno Chishiki, Alive.

Talents: Ultimate Teacher.

Relationship: Tatashi Anshin, supposed Lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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