Chapter 1

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The Boy Behind The Glass....


Bill Denbrough fluttered his eyes open slowly, as the warm morning sunlight crept in through the window on the other side of the hospital room.
He sat up slowly in his bed and adjusted to the light. A small framed photo of his little brother, Georgie, beaming brightly at the camera caught his eye.
Bill really missed his brother when he had to stay overnight in the hospital; and it was especially lonely.
He jolted at the sound of a light knock on the door, his train of thought broken.
“Hey, Big Bill good morning. Ready for your medication?” His nurse, Ms. Lillium, inquired as a smile crept onto her face.
“Y-Yeah, s-sure...” Bill looked down into his lap solemnly, he hated having to take his stupid pills.

He slowly raised them to his mouth squeezing his eyes shut hating the taste and dryness of the pills, Bill grimaced, "You okay Bill?" The nurse asked sympathetically,
"Y-Yes... can I-I go to t-the bathroom?" The nurse nodded taking the bottle of pills and slipping them onto Bill's nightstand. He got up and walked with his IV into the hallway only truly needing to get out of that room...
Bill stopped and looked in the glass of a room, this room had always been empty and never used but here there was a boy laying there asleep with mechanics pumping and jumping around him.

Bill felt himself go still immediately...

The boy looked ethereal as he slept, with his tousled hazel-brown curls flopped gently over his face; and his milky complexion.
Bill could not look away from the beautiful sight, his heart beat rapidly out of his chest... Begging for escape.
Suddenly the curly haired boy turned to the glass and gazed back at Bill, he felt a blush creep onto his face and waved.
The boy behind the glass waved back with a light smile as Bill's heart skipped a beat, but he should probably get back to the nurse. After returning the smile he slowly walked back trying not to show his pink tinted face.

"So, how often have you been coughing?" The nurse always asked the same questions over and over like a broken record. You see, Bill had Bronchitis and was under watch at all times,
"N-Not too m-m-much."
The nurse quickly jotted something down in her health report.
“W-Whos that n-new b-boy...?"
Simply thinking about the boy made Bill's stomach tangle and twist.
He hoped to see the boy behind the glass again soon.


Special thanks to: @ThatEccentricTurtle
For all the help and support. He made the cover and helped me with the chapters. :)

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